• The Internet and its incorporation by the health sector Temas de Actualidad

    Linger, Carlos; Spinelli, Hugo; Iriart, Celia

    Abstract in English:

    The governmental and health sector reforms that are being carried out in the countries of the Region demand the rapid training of health personnel to face the challenges posed by the process of change. This report explores the many possibilities of the Internet to serve as a mode of communication and updating of health professionals and technicians and as a vehicle for the dissemination of information on subjects of interest to scientists and researchers.
  • Collaboration between nongovernmental organizations and governments in health sector reform Temas de Actualidad

    Dickson, Kate

    Abstract in English:

    One of the most prominent current trends is the vital and increasingly visible role played by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in the world in general and in the activities and conferences sponsored by the United Nations (UN). Given these circumstances, part of the mission of PAHO is to strengthen the ties between governments and NGOs through provision of technical cooperation and support in priority program areas, such as health care, and facilitation of the exchange of information and experiences. This report examines different lines of action designed to improve collaboration between NGOs and governments in the area of health sector reform.
  • Advances in the fight against hepatitis Temas de Actualidad

    Abstract in English:

    Infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) is responsible for 80% of the cases of primary liver cancer and cirrhosis worldwide. Every year almost a million people, of whom 25% are chronic carriers of the virus, die from these diseases. Anti-HBV vaccine is the best means of prevention and can be considered the first immunization against a type of cancer, owing to the sequelae that hepatitis produces in many chronically infected patients. This vaccine is made from the surface antigen of hepatitis B virus (HBsAg); it is manufactured from plasma derivatives or through recombinant DNA and confers up to 95% protection. It is suggested that this vaccine be given at the same time as other vaccines to avoid the need for additional contacts with the immunization services. In 1992 the World Health Assembly proposed that the vaccine should be available in all countries by 1997. In its Ninth General Program of Work, WHO established the goal of reducing the number of new carriers by 80% through the introduction of this vaccine into national child immunization programs. Recently, a quadrivalent DTP-HB vaccine has been produced, resulting in increased benefits and lower cost. However, countries should not wait until the combined vaccines are marketed to begin vaccination against hepatitis B.
Organización Panamericana de la Salud Washington - Washington - United States
E-mail: contacto_rpsp@paho.org