• New perspective on the health of Canadians: 28 years later Perspectives from PAHO Public Health Heroes

    Lalonde, Marc
  • A experiência de fazer acontecer a saúde entre os excluídos da sociedade

    Neumann, Zilda Arns
  • Characteristics of the cholera epidemic of 1998 in Ecuador during El Niño Artículos

    Gabastou, Jean-Marc; Pesantes, Carmen; Escalante, Santiago; Narváez, Yolanda; Vela, Enrique; García, Lidia; Zabala, Diana; Yadon, Zaida E.

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Objetivos. Caracterizar el brote de cólera ocurrido en Ecuador en 1998 durante el fenómeno de "El Niño", presentar los datos sobre la resistencia de las cepas circulantes de Vibrio cholerae a los antimicrobianos y describir las medidas preventivas tomadas por las autoridades sanitarias para reducir el impacto de la enfermedad. Métodos. Los datos epidemiológicos provienen de los registros de la Dirección Nacional de Epidemiología del Ministerio de Salud Pública de Ecuador y del Instituto Nacional de Higiene y Medicina Tropical, y el informe final del Programa de Formación para la Lucha contra el Cólera y las Enfermedades Diarreicas (PROCED ALA 93/25). Se procedió a aislar, identificar y serotipificar V. cholerae en las muestras de heces de 10% de los pacientes con posible cólera identificados entre el 1 de enero y el 31 de diciembre de 1998. Los casos sospechados se definieron por la aparición súbita de diarrea acuosa, con o sin deshidratación, en zonas epidémicas. Las cepas aisladas se sometieron a un antibiograma estándar por el método de difusión, en el que se probaron los siguientes antibióticos: amoxicilina, tetraciclina, sulfametoxazol con trimetoprim, compuesto vibriostático O/129, ácido nalidíxico, eritromicina, norfloxacino, ciprofloxacino, gentamicina, cloranfenicol y colistina. Resultados. En 1998 se notificaron 3 755 casos en 17 de las 21 provincias del país, lo que corresponde a una tasa de incidencia de 53,96 por 100 000 habitantes. Treinta y siete pacientes fallecieron, lo cual supone una tasa de letalidad del 0,97%. Se aislaron 301 cepas de V. cholerae en las 637 muestras con sospechosa de cólera que se procesaron; todas correspondieron a V. cholerae O:1, El Tor, subtipo Ogawa. La totalidad de las cepas fueron sensibles a la tetraciclina y a las quinolonas, y 5,6% resistentes a la eritromicina. La única cepa resistente a la amoxicilina fue multirresistente. Las autoridades nacionales pusieron en práctica una serie de medidas preventivas en la comunidad y se fortaleció el sistema de vigilancia para reducir el impacto de la enfermedad. Conclusiones. Las medidas preventivas contribuyeron a reducir el impacto de la nueva epidemia de cólera en el Ecuador, tanto en términos de letalidad como de incidencia. En vista de la sensibilidad global de las cepas a los antimicrobianos, no se justifica cambiar los esquemas de tratamiento vigentes en la Región. Teniendo en cuenta la frecuencia de los desastres naturales en este país y su relación con la reaparición del cólera, es recomendable diseñar intervenciones que permitan prevenir y controlar la reaparición de la enfermedad y su extensión hacia las provincias más vulnerables de la Sierra y el Oriente.

    Abstract in English:

    Objective. To describe the outbreak of cholera that occurred in Ecuador in 1998 during the El Niño weather phenomenon, to present data on the resistance of the circulating strains of Vibrio cholerae to antimicrobial drugs, and to describe the preventive measures taken by health authorities in order to reduce the impact of the disease. Methods. The epidemiological data came from three sources: 1) the registry of the National Bureau of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador, 2) the registry of the National Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and 3) the final report of the Training Program for the Fight against Cholera and Diarrheal Diseases. Isolation, identification, and serotyping was done of V. cholerae in the feces samples from 10% of the suspected cholera cases that were identified between 1 January and 31 December 1998. The suspected cases were defined by the sudden appearance of watery diarrhea, with or without dehydration, in epidemic areas. The strains that were isolated were submitted to a standard antibiogram by the diffusion method, in which the following antibiotics were tested: amoxicillin, tetracycline, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, vibriostatic compound O/129, nalidixic acid, erythromycin, norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, gentamycin, chloramphenicol, and colistin. Results. In 1998 there were 3 755 cases reported in 17 of the 21 provinces of the country. This corresponds to an incidence rate of 53.96 per 100 000 population. Thirty-seven patients died, for a case fatality rate of 0.97%. A total of 301 strains of V. cholerae were isolated in the 637 suspected-cholera samples that were processed; all corresponded to V. cholerae O1, El Tor, subtype Ogawa. All of the strains were sensitive to tetracycline and to quinolones; 5.6% of the strains were resistant to erythromycin. The only strain resistant to amoxicillin was multiresistant. Officials in Ecuador implemented a series of preventive measures, and the surveillance system was strengthened in order to reduce the impact of the disease. Conclusions. The preventive measures helped to reduce the impact of the 1998 cholera epidemic in Ecuador, in terms of both incidence and the case fatality rate. Given the overall sensitivity of the strains to the antimicrobial drugs, there is no reason to change the current treatment regimens in the country. Taking into account the frequency of natural disasters in Ecuador and the relation that they have to the reappearance of cholera, interventions should be designed that make it possible to prevent and control the reappearance of the disease and its spread to the most vulnerable provinces of the central Sierra mountainous region and the eastern part of the country.
  • Capacity-building for health research in developing countries: a manager's approach Articles

    White, Franklin

    Abstract in Spanish:

    La investigación se puede considerar como un examen riguroso para profundizar el conocimiento y mejorar las prácticas. Una comisión internacional ha sostenido que el fortalecimiento de la capacidad de investigación es una de las formas más poderosas, eficientes y sostenibles de hacer progresar la salud y el desarrollo. Sin embargo, los esfuerzos mundiales para promover la investigación en los países en desarrollo han sido guiados sobre todo por la política y, en gran parte, por iniciativa de organismos donantes de los países desarrollados. Aunque esencial, este enfoque político es complementario de y al mismo tiempo contrasta con el de los gestores de la investigación, que deben fortalecerla "sobre el terreno", en servicios de salud que varían mucho según el país, y con mandatos, recursos y limitaciones muy diferentes. El concepto de investigación de las organizaciones sanitarias es amplio y las prácticas son muy variables. Sin embargo, la formación de la capacidad de investigación no es muy diferente de la formación de otros tipos de capacidad organizativa y tiene dos grandes aspectos: el estratégico y el operativo. En las organizaciones del campo de la salud, la creación de una capacidad de investigación importante se hace mucho más difícil cuando no se menciona la investigación en el enunciado de su misión. Capacidades de investigación que tardan años en crearse pueden ser fácilmente dañadas por un apoyo insuficiente, una mala gestión u otras influencias negativas internas o externas. Este artículo se basa en documentos clave sobre la política internacional de investigación y en observaciones sobre el comportamiento de los organismos donantes y de los organismos de investigación en relación con los países en desarrollo. Se analizan la formación de la capacidad de investigación, fundamentalmente como un reto para los gestores, los hechos reales detrás de la eficacia y la eficiencia operativas, los métodos de movilización de recursos y la necesidad de la empresa de investigación de realizar actividades de mercadeo, y se presentan algunos ejemplos del sur de Asia, América Latina y el Caribe.

    Abstract in English:

    Research may be viewed as rigorous inquiry to advance knowledge and improve practices. An international commission has argued that strengthening research capacity is one of the most powerful, cost-effective, and sustainable means of advancing health and development. However, the global effort to promote research in developing countries has been mostly policy driven, and largely at the initiative of donor agencies based in developed countries. This policy approach, although essential, both contrasts with and is complementary to that of research managers, who must build capacity "from the ground up" in a variety of health service settings within countries and with differing mandates, resources, and constraints. In health organizations the concept of research is broad, and practices vary widely. However, building research capacity is not altogether different from building other kinds of organizational capacity, and it involves two major dimensions: strategic and operational. In organizations in the health field, if reference to research is not in the mission statement, then developing a relevant research capacity is made vastly more difficult. Research capacities that take years to develop can be easily damaged through inadequate support, poor management, or other negative influences associated with both internal and external environments. This paper draws from key international research policy documents and observations on the behavior of research and donor agencies in relation to developing countries. It examines capacity-building primarily as a challenge for research managers, realities underlying operational effectiveness and efficiency, approaches to resource mobilization, and the need for marketing the research enterprise. Selected examples from South Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean are presented.
  • Vitamin A deficiency in Brazil: an overview

    Souza, Walnéia Aparecida de; Vilas Boas, Olinda Maria Gomes da Costa

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    A deficiência prolongada de vitamina A pode causar uma grave doença carencial, a hipovitaminose A, que pode, por sua vez, acarretar xeroftalmia e cegueira. Embora possa ser prevenida, a hipovitaminose A ainda é um problema de saúde pública em vários países em desenvolvimento. O presente artigo traça um panorama da informação disponível sobre a deficiência de vitamina A no mundo e especialmente no Brasil. Além disso, discute o impacto social da hipovitaminose A, um importante determinante da morbidade e mortalidade em crianças, e a relevância da prevenção no combate a essa desordem. Apesar dos estudos já realizados no Brasil, as informações disponíveis não são suficientes para que se possa diagnosticar a magnitude e a gravidade da hipovitaminose A em nível nacional, especialmente porque todos os estudos se apóiam em amostras pequenas, e os inquéritos clínicos e bioquímicos são escassos, além de apresentar resultados contraditórios. Mesmo assim, é possível constatar que o consumo de vitamina A é baixo nas classes sociais pobres e que o nível de ingestão recomendado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde não é alcançado pela maioria das crianças. Em parte, isso poderia ser evitado com orientação alimentar relativa aos alimentos ricos em vitamina A e esclarecimento sobre tabus alimentares. Nesse contexto, a escola tem um papel crucial na prevenção da deficiência da vitamina A, tanto entre os alunos quanto junto à comunidade.

    Abstract in English:

    Prolonged vitamin A deficiency may cause a severe disorder, hypovitaminosis A, that in turn may result in xerophthalmia and blindness. Although preventable, hypovitaminosis A is still a public health problem in many developing countries. This article presents an overview of the information available about vitamin A deficiency in the world and especially in Brazil. The piece also discusses the social impact of hypovitaminosis A, which is an important determinant of morbidity and mortality among children, and the relevance of prevention in the fight against this disorder. Although some studies have been done in Brazil, the information concerning vitamin A deficiency is not sufficient to determine the magnitude and severity of hypovitaminosis A on a national level, especially due to the small size of the samples studied and to the dearth of clinical and biochemical studies, which often present contradictory results. Nevertheless, it is clear that the intake of vitamin A is below recommended levels among the poor and that most children do not consume the amount recommended by the World Health Organization. In part, this could be remedied by educating people on foods that are rich in vitamin A and by correcting their attitudes toward certain dietary taboos. As part of this effort, schools play a major role in the prevention of vitamin A deficiency, among both students and the broader community.
  • Risk factors for low birthweight in a Cuban hospital, 1997-2000 Artículos

    Escobar, José Andrés Cabrales; Darias, Luís Saenz; Espinosa, Marcos Aurelio Grau; Castañeda, Loreta de Rojas; Herrera, Yipsis González; Pina García, Niurka; Rabelo, Marcelino Lizano

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Objetivo. Identificar qué factores de riesgo materno durante el embarazo se asocian a la incidencia de bajo peso al nacer (menos de 2 500 g). Métodos. Se diseñó un estudio de casos y testigos con 764 casos de nacimiento simple con un peso al nacer de menos de 2 500 g, y 1 437 testigos del Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Provincial de Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, durante el cuatrienio de 1997-2000. Los datos se obtuvieron de historias clínicas, registros de partos y entrevistas personales con las madres. Se realizó un análisis con dos variables y se controlaron los posibles factores de confusión mediante regresión logística dicotómica con el programa SPSS. Se usó un modelo final de múltiples variables para identificar los factores de riesgo maternos asociados con el bajo peso al nacer. Resultados. El análisis con múltiples variables mostró una asociación significativa del bajo peso al nacer con la presencia de anemia en la madre cuando se detectó el embarazo, la sepsis urinaria durante el embarazo, el asma bronquial, un aumento de peso materno menor de 8 kg durante todo el embarazo, el hábito de fumar durante el mismo, antecedentes de bajo peso al nacer en partos anteriores, la presencia de hipertensión arterial desde antes de la gestación y la consulta prenatal extemporánea. Conclusiones. A partir de estos resultados se concluyó que, independientemente de la medida de impacto utilizada, es importante tratar de disminuir los factores de riesgo identificados a fin de reducir la incidencia del bajo peso al nacer en la provincia de Sancti Spíritus.

    Abstract in English:

    Objective. To determine what maternal risk factors that are present during pregnancy are associated with low birthweight (less than 2 500 g). Methods. A case-control study was conducted with 764 products of single births weighing less than 2 500 g at birth, and 1 437 controls from Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Provincial in Sancti Spiritus, Cuba, during the 1997-2000 quadrennium. The data were obtained from clinical records, reports of labor, and personal interviews with mothers. A bivariate analysis was performed, and possible confounders were controlled for through dichotomous logistic regression using SPSS. A final multivariate statistical model used was to identify maternal risk factors for low birthweight. Results. The results of multivariate analysis showed a significant association between low birthweight, the presence of anemia when the pregnancy was detected, urinary tract infection during pregnancy, bronchial asthma, total maternal weight gain under 8 kg during pregnancy, smoking while pregnant, a history of previous children with low birthweight, arterial hypertension since before pregnancy, and inadequate timing of visit for follow-up of initial prenatal care. Conclusions. On the basis of these results it was concluded that, regardless of the impact measurement method used, it is important to try to reduce the risk factors identified in the study in order to lower the incidence of low birthweight in the province of Sancti Spiritus.
  • Determinants of optimal breast-feeding in peri-urban Guatemala City, Guatemala Articles

    Dearden, Kirk; Altaye, Mekibib; Maza, Irma de; Oliva, Maritza de; Stone-Jimenez, Maryanne; Morrow, Ardythe L.; Burkhalte, Barton R.

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Objetivos. El objetivo de esta encuesta consistió en identificar los factores que influyen sobre el comienzo temprano de la amamantación y la lactancia exclusivamente materna en mujeres de la zona periurbana de la ciudad de Guatemala. Métodos. A principios de noviembre de 1999 se inició un censo en cuatro comunidades periurbanas de la ciudad de Guatemala para identificar a todos los niños de menos de 6 meses y a todas las embarazadas que esperaban dar a luz durante los dos meses que duró el período de recolección de los datos. Una vez completado el censo, se realizó una encuesta sobre las prácticas de amamantación a todas las madres de niños de menos de 6 meses. Resultados. El principal determinante del inicio temprano de la amamantación fue el sitio donde tuvo lugar el parto. La probabilidad de iniciar tempranamente la amamantación fue significativamente mayor en los niños nacidos en casa [razón de posibilidades (odds ratio: OR) = 4,1; intervalo de confianza del 95% (IC95): 1,2 a 13,3)] y en los centros de salud del Ministerio de Salud (OR = 4,9, IC95: 1,6 a 15,0) que en los nacidos en hospitales privados. A su vez, el principal factor determinante de la lactancia exclusivamente materna fue que la madre trabajara o no fuera de casa. Después de controlar los efectos de la edad y el sexo del niño y de la etnia de la madre, las mujeres que no trabajaban fuera de casa tenían mayor probabilidad de alimentar a sus hijos exclusivamente con leche materna que las que trabajaban fuera de casa (OR = 3,2; IC95: 1,6 a 6,4). Conclusiones. Estos resultados indican que hay que proseguir los esfuerzos generales para mejorar las prácticas de amamantación en las maternidades, pero además es necesario seguir proporcionando apoyo a la lactancia materna en la comunidad mucho después del parto. A las madres que trabajan fuera de casa se les deberían proporcionar alternativas para seguir con la lactancia exclusivamente materna cuando las características del trabajo les exigen estar separadas físicamente de sus hijos.

    Abstract in English:

    Objective. This survey was conducted to identify factors affecting early initiation of breast-feeding and exclusive breast-feeding among mothers in peri-urban Guatemala City, Guatemala. Materials and Methods. In early November 1999 a census was begun in four communities of peri-urban Guatemala City, Guatemala, to identify all children < 6 months old as well as all pregnant women who were expected to deliver during the two-month data-gathering period. After the census was completed, a survey of breast-feeding practices was administered to all mothers of infants < 6 months of age. Results. The most important determinant of early initiation of breast-feeding was place of delivery. Children born at home (odds ratio (OR) = 4.1, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.2- 13.3) and at Ministry of Health health centers (OR = 4.9, 95% CI: 1.6-15.0) were significantly more likely than children born at private hospitals to initiate breast-feeding early. The most important determinant of exclusive breast-feeding was whether or not the mother worked outside the home. After controlling for infant's age and sex and mother's ethnicity, women who did not work outside the home were 3.2 times as likely (95% CI: 1.6-6.4) to exclusively breast-feed as were women who worked outside the home. Lack of exclusive breast-feeding was often associated with giving a bottle. Conclusions. Our findings suggest that global efforts must be continued to improve breast-feeding practices in delivery hospitals. In addition, community-based support of breast-feeding is needed well after delivery. Mothers who work outside the home should be provided with options to maintain exclusive breast-feeding when they are physically separated from their infants due to the demands of work.
  • The impact of mother-to-mother support on optimal breast-feeding: a controlled community intervention trial in peri-urban Guatemala City, Guatemala Articles

    Dearden, Kirk; Altaye, Mekibib; Maza, Irma de; Oliva, Maritza de; Stone-Jimenez, Maryanne; Burkhalter, Barton R.; Morrow, Ardythe L.

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Objetivos. Evaluar el impacto de un programa de apoyo entre las madres sobre el inicio temprano de la amamantación y la lactancia exclusivamente materna. El programa fue llevado a cabo por la organización "Liga la Leche" de Guatemala en la zona periurbana de la capital del país. Métodos. Tras un censo de población para identificar a todas las madres de cuatro comunidades con hijos menores de 6 meses, se les realizó una encuesta sobre sus prácticas de amamantación. Un año más tarde, entre noviembre de 2000 y enero de 2001, se repitieron el censo y la encuesta y se compararon las dos comunidades donde se realizó el programa de intervención (comunidades P) con las dos comunidades de control (comunidades C). Resultados. En la segunda encuesta, 31% de las madres de las comunidades P dijeron haber recibido asesoramiento sobre la lactancia materna, 21% dijeron haber recibido una visita en su domicilio y 16% dijeron asistir a las reuniones de un grupo de apoyo. Las tasas de comienzo temprano de la lactancia materna fueron mayores en las comunidades P que en las comunidades C, pero esto ocurrió tanto antes como después de la realización del programa; además, los cambios a lo largo del tiempo en la iniciación temprana de la lactancia materna no presentaron diferencias significativas entre ambos tipos de comunidades. Las tasas de lactancia exclusivamente materna fueron similares en las comunidades P y C y no cambiaron significativamente a lo largo del tiempo. No obstante, entre las madres de las comunidades P que recibieron visitas a domicilio y asistieron a las reuniones de los grupos de apoyo, la tasa de lactancia exclusivamente materna fue de 45%, en comparación con 14% en las mujeres de las mismas comunidades que no participaron en estas actividades. Además, la probabilidad de que la lactancia fuera exclusivamente materna fue mayor en las mujeres que participaron en actividades de apoyo entre madres durante el año posterior al censo y encuesta basales que en las que participaron en dichas actividades antes del mencionado período. Esto indica que la eficacia de las actividades del programa aumentó con el tiempo. Conclusiones. Este estudio no aporta pruebas de que la intervención de la "Liga la Leche" haya tenido impacto en la población un año después de su puesta en práctica. Para conseguir mejorar las tasas de lactancia exclusivamente materna en la zona periurbana de Guatemala podrían ser necesarias intervenciones comunitarias a largo plazo, en colaboración con los sistemas de asistencia sanitaria ya existentes.

    Abstract in English:

    Objective. To assess the impact that a mother-to-mother support program operated by La Leche League Guatemala had on early initiation of breast-feeding and on exclusive breast-feeding in peri-urban Guatemala City, Guatemala. Materials and Methods. A population census was conducted to identify all mothers of infants < 6 months of age, and the mothers were then surveyed on their breast-feeding practices, in two program communities and two control communities. Data collection for this follow-up census and survey was carried out between November 2000 and January 2001, one year after a baseline census and survey had been conducted. Results. At follow-up, 31% of mothers in the program communities indicated that counselors had advised them about breast-feeding, 21% said they had received a home visit, and 16% reported attending a support group. Communitywide rates of early initiation of breast-feeding were significantly higher in program areas than in the control communities, at both baseline and follow-up. However, the change over time in early initiation in program communities was not significantly different from the change in control communities. Communitywide rates of exclusive breast-feeding were similar in program and control sites and did not change significantly from baseline to follow-up. However, of the mothers in the program communities who both received home visits and attended support groups, 45% of them exclusively breast-fed, compared to 14% of women in program communities who did not participate in those two activities. In addition, women who were exposed to mother-to-mother support activities during the year following the baseline census and survey were more likely than mothers exposed before that period to exclusively breast-feed. This suggests that the program interventions became more effective over time. Conclusions. This study does not provide evidence of population impact of La Leche League's intervention after one year of implementation. In peri-urban Guatemala, long-term community-based interventions, in partnership with existing health care systems, may be needed to improve communitywide exclusive breast-feeding rates.
  • End-stage renal disease among patients in a referral hospital in El Salvador Artículos

    Trabanino, Ramón García; Aguilar, Raúl; Silva, Carlos Reyes; Mercado, Manuel Ortiz; Merino, Ricardo Leiva

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Objetivos. El Salvador es un país con alta mortalidad por nefropatía terminal (NT). El objetivo de este estudio consistió en conocer las características epidemiológicas de una serie de nuevos casos de NT atendidos en un hospital de referencia de este país. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio transversal de todos los nuevos casos que iniciaron diálisis crónica entre noviembre de 1999 y marzo de 2000. Mediante una entrevista personal se obtuvieron datos sobre aspectos clínicos, demográficos, laborales y ambientales. Resultados. Durante los 5 meses que duró el estudio se observaron 205 nuevos casos de NT. Entre los 202 entrevistados, se diferenciaron claramente dos grupos: uno de 67 pacientes (33%) con factores de riesgo conocidos de NT, similares a los de países desarrollados (fundamentalmente, diabetes mellitus, hipertensión arterial y consumo crónico de antiinflamatorios no esteroideos), y otro de 135 pacientes (67%) con características peculiares, en los que no se pudo detectar ningún factor asociado. La mayoría de estos últimos pacientes eran hombres, agricultores, habitantes de zonas costeras o adyacentes a ríos, que años atrás habían estado expuestos, sin protección, a insecticidas o plaguicidas agrícolas por razones laborales. Conclusiones. Se ha identificado un importante grupo de pacientes con NT que aparentemente carecen de una causa para su enfermedad y que presentan características peculiares que permiten sospechar una relación con la exposición laboral a insecticidas o plaguicidas. Son necesarios nuevos estudios para confirmar esta hipótesis.

    Abstract in English:

    Objective. El Salvador is a country with high mortality from end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The objective of this study was to determine the epidemiological characteristics of a series of new cases of ESRD seen in a referral hospital in the country. Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted of all the new cases that initiated chronic dialysis between November 1999 and March 2000. Using a personal interview, data were obtained on the patients' clinical, demographic, and occupational characteristics, among others. Results. During the five months that the study lasted, 205 new cases of ESRD were observed. Among the 202 interviewees, two groups were clearly distinguished. One group, of 67 patients (33%), had known risk factors for ESRD, similar to those for developed countries (basically, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and chronic consumption of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories). Another group of 135 patients (67%) had unusual characteristics that were not associated with the known risk factors. The majority of the patients in this second group were male, farmers, residents of coastal areas or areas next to rivers, and some years before had been exposed, without adequate protection, to agricultural insecticides or pesticides through their work. Conclusions. We have identified an important group of patients with ESRD who seem to lack a cause for their disease. Their special characteristics make it possible to suspect a relationship with the occupational exposure to insecticides or pesticides. New studies are needed in order to confirm this hypothesis.
  • The prescribing of psychotropic drugs in mental health services in Trinidad Articles

    Moore, Shelley; Jaime, Lazara K. Montane; Maharajh, Hari; Ramtahal, Indar; Reid, Sandra; Ramsewak, Feroza Sircar; Maharaj, Mala

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Objetivos. Describir, analizar e interpretar las características de la prescripción de psicotrópicos en pacientes nuevos que acudieron a las consultas externas de psiquiatría en la isla caribeña de Trinidad. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio transversal de los psicotrópicos prescritos por psiquiatras a 132 nuevos pacientes psiquiátricos ambulatorios que acudieron a consultas externas por primera vez entre noviembre de 1998 y febrero de 1999. Resultados. Algunos pacientes recibieron más de un psicotrópico. Los antidepresivos fueron los psicotrópicos recetados con mayor frecuencia (79 de los 132 pacientes, 59,8%), seguidos de los antipsicóticos (67/132; 50,8%). Los antidepresivos prescritos con mayor frecuencia fueron los tricíclicos (58/79; 73,4%), y en particular la amitriptilina (53/58; 91,4%). La fluoxetina fue el único inhibidor selectivo de la recaptación de serotonina (ISRS) que se recetó (21/79; 26,6%). De los 67 pacientes que recibieron antipsicóticos, a 41 (61,2%) se les recetaron fenotiazinas, entre ellas la trifluoperazina (14/41; 34,1%) y la tioridazina (13/41; 31,7%). El antipsicótico prescrito con más frecuencia fue la sulpirida (21/67; 31,3%). A 20 de los 132 pacientes (15,1%) se les recetaron anticolinérgicos. A 83 (62,9%) se les prescribió más de un fármaco simultáneamente: o bien más de un psicotrópico o una combinación de psicotrópicos y no psicotrópicos. La prescripción por etnia, edad y sexo coincidió con las tasas de morbilidad observadas en los diferentes grupos. La prescripción de ISRS a pacientes de origen africano o indio fue significativamente menos frecuente que a los de origen mixto. Conclusiones. Estos resultados muestran una preferencia de los psiquiatras de Trinidad por los psicotrópicos tradicionales, un uso moderado de los anticolinérgicos y, en algunos casos, el uso de la polifarmacia, que podría predisponer a la aparición de reacciones adversas graves. Teniendo en cuenta estos resultados y dependiendo de las circunstancias de cada paciente, se debería considerar un uso más amplio de los antidepresivos (ISRS) y antipsicóticos más recientes y evitar el uso de la polifarmacia, a no ser que esté justificado.

    Abstract in English:

    Objective. To describe, analyze, and interpret patterns of psychotropic drug prescribing in new psychiatric patients attending psychiatric outpatient clinics in the Caribbean island of Trinidad. Design and Methods. This was a cross-sectional study of psychotropic drug prescribing by psychiatrists for 132 new psychiatric outpatients who were seen at the outpatient clinics surveyed and who were entering the mental health system during the period of research, November 1998 through February 1999. Results. A single patient could be prescribed more than one psychotropic drug. Antidepressant drugs were the class of psychotropic drugs most prescribed (79 of 132 patients, 59.8%), followed by antipsychotic drugs (67 of 132 patients, 50.8%). Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) were the antidepressants most prescribed (58 of the 79 patients), mainly amitriptyline (53 of the 58). Fluoxetine was the only selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) prescribed (21 of the 79 patients prescribed antidepressants). Of the 67 patients receiving antipsychotic drugs, phenothiazines accounted for 41 of those 67, including trifluoperazine (14 of the 41) and thioridazine (13 of the 41). The individual antipsychotic most prescribed was sulpiride (21 of the 67 patients). Anticholinergic drugs were prescribed to 20 of the 132 patients (15.1%). Eighty-three of the patients were prescribed more than one drug concomitantly (either more than one psychotropic or a combination of psychotropic(s) and nonpsychotropic(s)). Prescription by ethnicity, age, and gender coincided with the morbidity rates encountered in these patients. The prescribing of SSRIs to persons of African or East Indian ethnicity was significantly lower than it was for persons of mixed heritage. Conclusions. The prescription patterns of psychotropic drugs in Trinidad revealed the psychiatrists' preferences for traditional psychotropic drugs, the moderate use of anticholinergic drugs, and polypharmacy in some cases, with probable predisposition to adverse drug reactions. Given our results and based on the evaluation of individual patients, consideration should be given to a broader use of the newer antidepressants (SSRIs) and antipsychotics. Unless justified, polypharmacy should be avoided.
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  • The report of the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health: its relevance to the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean Temas de Actualidad

    Abstract in English:

    The Commission on Macroeconomics and Health (CMH) was established by the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) to evaluate the role of health in economic development. On 20 December 2001 the CMH submitted its report to the WHO Director-General. Entitled Macroeconomics and Health: Investing in Health for Economic Development, the CMH report affirms that in order to reduce poverty and achieve economic development, it is essential to improve the health of the poor; to accomplish this, it is necessary to expand the access that the poor have to essential health services. The Commission believes that more financial resources are needed, that the health expenditures of less-developed and low-income countries are insufficient for the challenges that these countries face, and that high-income countries must increase their financial assistance in order to help solve the main health problems of less-developed and low-income countries. This piece summarizes a report that was prepared by the Program on Public Policy and Health of the Division of Health and Human Development of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). The PAHO document analyzes the importance of the CMH report for the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, focusing on some of the central arguments put forth in the CMH report as they relate to achieving better health conditions in the Americas. These arguments have been organized around three major themes in the CMH report: a) the relationships between health and economic growth, b) the principal health problems that affect the poor in low-income and low-middle-income countries, and c) the gap between the funding needed to address the principal problems that affect these countries and the actual spending levels.
Organización Panamericana de la Salud Washington - Washington - United States
E-mail: contacto_rpsp@paho.org