• Studies in search of a suitable experimental insect model for xenodiagnosis of hosts with Chagas' disease: 4 - The reflection of parasite stock in the responsiveness of different vector species to chronic infection with different Trypanosoma cruzi stocks Original Articles

    Perlowagora-Szumlewicz, Alina; Muller, Carlos Alberto; Moreira, Carlos José de Carvalho

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Estudos anteriores (1982,1987) enfatizaram a superioridade das espécies vetoras silvestres às domiciliadas, como agentes do xenodiagnóstico nas infecções agudas e crônicas pelo isolado Y do T.cruzi. Os dados atuais estabeleceram a generalidade deste fenômeno. Por exemplo, a proporção de positivos nas infecções por 'São Felipe" variou de 82,5% a 98,3% nos vetores silvestres, caindo para 42,5% a 71,3% em espécies domiciliadas. Ficou claro o envolvimento do isolado do T.cruzi na resposta do vetor à infecção crônica por T.cruzi. Por exemplo, os índices de infectividade produzidos por "Berenice", "Y", "FL" e "CL" variaram de 56,3% a 83,3% em P.megistus e de 28,3% a 58,8% em T.sordida. Sendo a resposta das mesmas espécies vetoras às infecções agudas pelos mesmos isolados altamente uniformes, aproximando-se a 100%, sugere-se que a grande carga parasitária nas infecções agudas oculta as diferenças interespecíficas existentes entre os isolados do T.cruzi. A análise dos dados obtidos levou a especular que resultados adicionais de mais isolados permitiriam associar os índices de infectividade, produzidos por diferentes isolados do T.cruzi, aos perfis isoenzimáticos revelados por esses.

    Abstract in English:

    Previous studies (1982,1987) have emphasized the superiority of sylvatic vector species over domestic species as xenodiagnostic agents in testing hosts with acute or chronic infections by T. cruzi "Y" stock. The present study, which is unique in that it contains data on both infectivity rates produced by the same stock in 11 different vector species and also the reaction of the same vector species to seven different parasite stocks, establishes the general validity of linking efficiency of xenodiagnosis to the biotope of its agent. For example, infectivity rates produced by "São Felipe" stock varied from 82.5% to 98.3% in sylvatic vectors but decreased to 42.5% to 71.3% in domestic species. "Colombiana" stock produced in the same sylvatic vectors infectivity rates ranging from 12.5% to 45%. These shrank to 5%-22.5% in domestic bugs. The functional role of the biotope in the vector-parasite interaction has not been eluddated. But since this phenomenon has been observed to be stable and easy to reproduce, it leads us to believe that the results obtained are valid. Data presented also provide increasing evidence that the infectivity rates exhibited by bugs from xenodiagnosis in chronic hosts, are parasite stock specific. For example, infectivity rates produced by "Berenice", "Y", "FL" and "CL" varied in R. neglectus from 26.3% to 75%; in P. megistus from 56.3% to 83.8%; in T. sordida from 28.8% to 58.8% in T. pseudomaculata from 41.3% to 66.3% and in T. rubrovaria from 48.8% to 85%. Data from xenodiagnosis in the same hosts, carrying acute infections by the same parasite stocks, gave the five sylvatic vectors a positive rating of approximately 100%, thus suggesting that the heavy loads of parasites circulating in the acute hosts obscured the characteristic interspecific differences for the parasite stock. Nonetheless these latter were revealed in the same hosts with chronic infections stimulated by very low numbers of the same parasite stocks. Certain observations here described lead us to speculate as to the possibility of further results from other parasite stocks, allowing the association of the infectivity rates produced in bugs by different parasite stocks with the isoenzymic patterns revealed by these stocks.
  • Subsequent pregnancies: who has them and who wants them? Observations from an urban center in Southern Brazil Original Articles

    Huttly, Sharon R. A.; Barros, Fernando C.; Victora, Cesar G.; Lombardi, Cintia; Vaughan, J. Patrick

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Em um estudo de coorte de base populacional, foram estudados todos os 6.011 nascimentos hospitalares ocorridos na cidade de Pelotas, RS, em 1982. As parturientes foram entrevistadas logo após o parto, e 80% delas foram novamente contactadas em suas residências no início de 1986, em média 43 meses mais tarde. Dessas mulheres, 39% haviam engravidado novamente. Esta proporção variou inversamente em relação à idade materna, anos de escolaridade e renda familiar. Quanto à paridade, a proporção de gravidezes subsqüentes foi maior para primíparas e para multíparas. Mães cujos filhos nasceram através de cesareana também apresentaram menor fecundidade, mesmo após exclusão daquelas que, por ocasião da operação cesárea, sofreram ligadura de trompas. Análise através de regressão logística mostrou que esses fatores permaneceram significativamente associados à fecundidade mesmo após o ajuste estatístico para as demais variáveis. Das mães que engravidaram após 1982, 60% informaram que não a desejaram. A proporção das gravidezes indesejadas foi mais elevada em mulheres de maior paridade, sendo esta tendência mais marcada em mulheres de famílias de alta renda.

    Abstract in English:

    Subsequent pregnancies in mothers of a birth cohort from Pelotas, Southern Brazil, were studied in relation to maternal and socio-economic factors. Within about 3 1/2 years of the cohort child's birth, 39% of mothers had experienced at least one further pregnancy. This proportion decreased with increasing maternal age, years of schooling and family income. A U-shaped trend was observed with respect to parity. Mothers who had delivered the cohort child by caesarean section were also less likely to have another pregnancy within that time. Logistic regression analysis showed that each of these factors remained significantly associated with further pregnancies after controlling for the remaining variables. Analysis of the first subsequent pregnancy showed that a high proportion of mothers had not wanted the pregnancy. Unwanted pregnancies were also significantly associated with older women, low educational status, higher parity and low family income.
Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo São Paulo - SP - Brazil
E-mail: revsp@org.usp.br