In this special issue of the Bulletin, Zunyou Wu & Nicolas Clark (82) introduce the theme of opioid substitution therapy. Sheena Sullivan (83) explains why methadone maintenance programmes are needed. Fiona Fleck interviews Robin Room (91–92) about harm reduction and prohibition of illicit substances. Gary Humphreys (87–88) reports on progress and obstacles to effective opioid substitution therapy in Ukraine. Fumbuka Ng'wanakilala (89–90) describes how the United Republic of Tanzania has launched a national methadone programme to counter heroin use and HIV transmission.

Mubashar Sheikh et al. (84) announce an upcoming theme issue on human resources.


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Deadly habits

Bradley M Mathers et al. (102–123) review the evidence for early deaths among people who inject drugs.


Rights and responsibilities

Zunyou Wu (142–145) argues for compulsory treatment of opioid dependence. Wayne Hall & Adrian Carter (146) counter that proponents of this approach need to prove that it is effective and ethical. Nicolas Clark et al. (146–147) propose that voluntary treatment centers rather than extrajudicial detention should be used to manage opioid dependence.


Why substitute?

Linda R Gowing et al. (148–149) identify the gaps in research on opioid substitution to reduce the risk of HIV transmission.


A neglected cough

Haileyesus Getahun et al. (154–156) explain why tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment is a critical component of managing illicit drug use.

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