• Poor Management of Low Birth Weight Compounds Obesity and Chronic Diseases in Cuba Perspective

    Hernández-Triana, Manuel

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The Cuban population exhibits high prevalence of overweight and associated chronic non-communicable diseases, trends that begin in childhood. In addition to factors related to the mother’s health, factors contributing to excess weight gain in Cuban children are: reduced prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding of infants up to six months of age, full-term low birth weight infants and nutritional mismanagement of this group, incorrect complementary feeding, obesogenic diet, family history and sedentary lifestyles. Thus, it is important to adopt comprehensive, multisectoral strategies that promote adequate nutrition and weight control. This is particularly important for full-term low birth weight infants, predisposed to body fat storage.
Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba Oakland - California - United States
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