(Updated: 2020/12/08)

About the journal

Basic information

  Editada por la Asociación Brasileña de Salud Colectiva (Abrasco), la revista Ciência e Saúde Coletiva - creada a finales del año 1996 – es un espacio científico para discusiones, debates, presentación de investigaciones, exposición de nuevas ideas y controversias sobre el área. A partir de 2011, es mensual, con la publicación de 12 números al año. En cada número hay siempre de 10 a 12 textos temáticos y cerca de 20 sobre diversos temas, opiniones y reseñas, en un total de 30 artículos. En la actualidad, la revista recibe un promedio de 2.300 artículos originales por año. Se registró un crecimiento visible con la participación de autores nacionales y extranjeros y con el número de artículos publicados. El sitio recibe varias colaboraciones de investigadores de países de habla en Inglés, Francés y Español. Desde su origen, Ciência & Saúde Coletiva cumple fielmente los requisitos de frecuencia y de cumplimiento de las normas para la publicación científica siguiendo las reglas de la Convención de Vancouver, que se utilizan comúnmente para las áreas de medicina y de salud pública. Desde 2014, la versión impresa en portugués está disponible en línea en la base de datos SciELO, con artículos traducidos al inglés. Actualmente la Ciencia y la Salud Colectiva está clasificada con la categoría A3 en Qualis / Capes.  


Indexing sources


The journal is indexed by:



Intellectual Property


All the content of the journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons License BY.




  The journal receives financial support from the:







Editorial Board


Chief editors


Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil)

Romeu Gomes (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil)

Antônio Augusto Moura da Silva (Universidade Federal do Maranhão – Maranhão – Brasil)



Executive Editorial Board

  • Raimunda Mangas – Editorial Coordinator
  • Telma Freitas – Communication Coordinator
  • Danúzia da Rocha de Paula – Technical Coordinator
  • Luiza Pimenta Gualhano – Editorial Assistant
  • Marcelo Zabrieszach Afonso – Portuguese Reviewer
  • Livia Marinho da Silva - Portuguese Reviewer
  • Adriana Ribeiro – Graphic Designer
  • American Journal Experts – English Reviewer 
  • Derrick Guy Phillips – English Reviewer
  • Jean-Pierre Barakat – English Reviewer
  • Peter Lenny – English Reviewer
  • Philip Gradon Reed – English Reviewer
  • Karine Morais de Oliveira - Bolsista Pibic Editorial Support


Political and Editorial Board

  • Cesar Gomes Victora – Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul-RS, Brasil - cvictora@gmail.com
  • Eleonor Conil – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Santa Catarina-SC, Brasil - eleonorconill@gmail.com
  • Everardo Duarte Nunes – Universidade Estadual de Campinas,São Paulo-SP, Brasil - evernunes@uol.com.br
  • Hillegonda M.D. Novaes – Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo-SP, Brasil - hidutilh@usp.br
  • Jairnilson Silva Paim – Universidade Federal da Bahia - Bahia-BA, Brasil - jairnil@ufba.br
  • Jorge Iriart – Universidade Federal da Bahia, Bahia-BA,Brasil - iriart@ufba.br
  • Nelson Gouveia – Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo-SP, Brasil - ngouveia@usp.br
  • Zulmira M. A. Hartz – Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal-PT, Brasil - zhartz@ihmt.unl.pt


Editor of communication and dissemination in health


Neyson Pinheiro Freire (Conselho Federal de Enfermagem - Brasília - Brasil)



Associate Editors

  • Book review: ADALGISA PEIXOTO RIBEIRO (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – Minas Gerais - Brasil)
  • Food, Nutrition and Health: VÂNIA MATOS FONSECA (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz – Rio de Janeiro - Brasil)
  • Pharmaceutical Services: CLÁUDIA GARCIA SERPA OSORIO DE CASTRO (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz – Rio de Janeiro - Brasil)
  • Primary Health Care: LUIZ FELIPE DA SILVA PINTO (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – Rio de Janeiro - Brasil)
  • Evaluation of Health Services: MARIA JOSÉ SCOCHI (Universidade Estadual de Maringá – Paraná - Brasil)
  • Health Policies: AYLENE EMILIA MORAES BOUSQUAT (FSP/USP - São Paulo - Brasil)
  • Social Sciences: MARTHA CRISTINA NUNES MOREIRA (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - Brasil)
  • Health Education: VALÉRIA VERNASCHI LIMA (Universidade Federal de São Carlos – São Paulo - Brasil)
  • Epidemiology: SÉRGIO WILLIAM VIANA PEIXOTO (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - Minas Gerais - Brasil)
    EDSON ZANGIACOMI MARTINEZ (Universidade de São Paulo - São Paulo - Brasil) 
  • History and Health: GILBERTO HOCHMAN (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz – Rio de Janeiro - Brasil)
  • Information and Communication in Health: JANINE MIRANDA CARDOSO (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz – Rio de Janeiro - Brasil)
  • Health Planning and Management: SHEYLA MARIA LEMOS LIMA (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz – Rio de Janeiro - Brasil)
  • Oral Health: RAQUEL CONCEIÇÃO FERREIRA (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Minas Gerais - Brasil)
  • Child and Adolescent Health: ANA LUCIA FERREIRA (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil)
  • Health of the Elderly: JOSÉLIA OLIVEIRA ARAÚJO FIRMO (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz – Minas Gerais - Brasil)
  • Health and Environment: SANDRA DE SOUZA HACON (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil) 
  • Health and Gender: WILZA VILELA (Universidade Federal de São Paulo - São Paulo - Brasil)
  • Health and Work: FRANCISCO ANTONIO DE CASTRO LACAZ (Universidade Federal de São Paulo - São Paulo - Brasil)
  • Mental Health: ROSANA TERESA ONOCKO-CAMPOS (Universidade Estadual de Campinas – São Paulo - Brasil)


Editorial board

  • Adrian C. Sleigh (AUSTRALIAN N. U.) - Canberra - Austrália
  • Adriana Estevão (UFES/ES) - Espírito Santo - Brasil
  • Akira Homma (Bio Manguinhos/FIOCRUZ) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
  • Alberto Pelegrini (PAHO/WHO Consultant) - Washington - EUA
  • Alessandro L. Cavalcanti (UFCG/PB) - Paraíba - Brasil
  • Amélia Cohn (MP/USP) - São Paulo - Brasil
  • Ana Canesqui (MP/UNICAMP) - São Paulo - Brasil
  • Ana Maria Malik (FGV/SP) - São Paulo - Brasil
  • Anne-Emanuelle Birn (University of Toronto) - Toronto - Canadá
  • Ángel Martínez Hernáez (UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILI (URV)/Spain) - Catalunha - Espanha
  • Antonio Pithon Cyrino (FMB/UNESP) - São Paulo - Brasil
  • Brian Godman (INSTITUTO KAROLINSKA e UNIVERSIDADE DE STRATHCLYDE) - Glasgow - Escócia - Reino Unido
  • Carlos Calderón Gómez (SERVICIO VASCO DE SALUD - OSAKIDETZA) - San Sebastián, Espanha
  • Carlos Machado de Freitas (ENSP/FIOCRUZ) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
  • Carlos Minayo Gómez (ENSP/FIOCRUZ) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
  • Carlos Morel (IOC/FIOCRUZ) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
  • Carlos Oropeza (INSP, MÉXICO) - Morelos - México
  • Claudine Herzlich (CERMES/INSERM/France) - Paris - França
  • Daniel Forsin Buss (IOC/FIOCRUZ) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
  • Daniela Riva Knauth (UFRGS) - Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil
  • David Sanders (WSC/South Africa) Western Cape - África do Sul
  • Duncan Pedersen (HRC/DHRC/Canadá) - Quebec - Canadá
  • Edinilsa Ramos de Souza (ENSP/FIOCRUZ) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
  • Euclides Ayres de Castilho (USP) - São Paulo - Brasil
  • Francisco Bastos (ICICT/FIOCRUZ) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
  • Francisco J. Mercado Martinez (U. de Guadalajara/México) - Jalisco - México
  • Francisco Viacava (ICICT/FIOCRUZ) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
  • Gabriela Nora Ruiz (ENSP/FIOCRUZ) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
  • Gary Barker (PROMUNDO) - Washington - EUA
  • Gastão W. S. Campos (FCM/UNICAMP) - São Paulo - Brasil
  • Gisela Cordeiro Pereira Cardoso (UFRJ) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
  • Hugo Spinelli (U. Nacional de Lanús/Argentina) - Lanús - Argentina
  • Ilara Hammerli S. Moraes (ENSP/FIOCRUZ) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
  • Ilona Kickbush (Yale U./USA) - Connecticut - EUA
  • Jadete Barbosa Lampert (FM/UFSM) - Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil
  • Jean-Louis (École Nationale D' Administration Publique/Canadá)
  • João Guilherme Bezerra Alves (IMIP) - Pernambuco - Brasil
  • Jorge Alberto Cordón Portillo (UNB) - Brasília - Brasil
  • José Augusto Barros (DSC/UFJF) - Minas Gerais - Brasil
  • José Ricardo de C. M. Ayres (MP/USP) - São Paulo - Brasil
  • Juan Guilhermo Figueroa Perrea (EL COLEGIO DE MEXICO Y UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTONOMA DE MEXICO) - Cidade do México - México
  • Juan Stuardo Yazlle Rocha (USP/RP) - São Paulo - Brasil
  • Laura Macruz Feuerwerker (FSP/USP) - São Paulo - Brasil
  • Ligia Bahia (IESC-URFJ) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
  • Ligia de Salazar (U. Colômbia) - Bogotá - Colômbia
  • Ligia Vieira da Silva (ISC/UFBA) - Bahia - Brasil
  • Lilia Blima Schraiber (MP/USP) - São Paulo - Brasil
  • Lynn Silver (Public Health Institute)-
  • Louise Potvin (Un. Montreal/CA) - Quebec - Canadá
  • Márcia M. V. Skaba (INCA/RJ) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
  • Marcos Bagrichevsky (UFES) - Espírito Santo - Brasil
  • Maria Fátima de Souza (UNB) - Brasília - Brasil
  • Maria Helena Mello Jorge (FSP/USP) - São Paulo - Brasil
  • Maria José Sanches Martins (FAMEMA) - São Paulo - Brasil
  • Mariana M. A. Barcinski (PUC/RS) - Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil
  • Miriam Schenker (UERJ) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
  • Paulete Goldenbert (MP/UNIFESP) - São Paulo - Brasil
  • Paulo Amarante (ENSP/FIOCRUZ) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
  • Paulo Frazão (PUC/SP) - São Paulo - Brasil
  • Raimunda M. da Silva (UNIFOR) - Ceará - Brasil
  • Regina Cele Bodstein (ENSP/FIOCRUZ) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
  • Reinaldo Guimarães (IMS/UERJ) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
  • Roberto Briceño-León (Central/Venezuela) - Caracas - Venezuela
  • Roberto Castro (UNAM, México) - Cidade do México - México
  • Roger Shrimpton (Tulane University/EUA) - Louisiana - EUA
  • Rosana Hartes Griep (IOC/Fiocruz)- Rio de Janeiro – Brasil
  • Rosana Magalhães (ENSP/FIOCRUZ) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
  • Rosângela Minardi Mitre Cotta (UFV/MG) - Minas Gerais - Brasil
  • Roseni Pinheiro (IMS/UERJ) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
  • Sandra Vallenas (PUCP/Peru) - Lima - Peru
  • Saint Clair dos S. G. Junior (IFF/FIOCRUZ) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
  • Sandy Cairncross (London School/UK) - Londres - Inglaterra - Reino Unido
  • Sarah Jane Atkinson (U. Durham/UK)- Durham - Inglaterra - Reino Unido
  • Saul Franco Agudelo (U. N. Bogotá/Colômbia) - Bogotá - Colômbia
  • Sherman James (Duke University/EEUU) - Carolina do Norte - EUA
  • Simone Gonçalves de Assis (ENSP/FIOCRUZ) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
  • Thomas Gohel (EHP/EEUU) - Carolina do Norte - EUA
  • Túlia Falleti (University of Pennsylvania)
  • Vera Lúcia Edais Pepe (ENSP/FIOCRUZ) - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
  • Vitor Manuel C. F. Rodrigues (ESENS/Portugal) - Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro - Portugal
  • Wendy Chavkin (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY) - Nova York - EUA


Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva - Gestão 2018 - 2021



Gulnar Azevedo e Silva (Instituto de Medicina Social – Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (IMS/Uerj)

Vice presidentes

Antônio Boing (UFSC)
Bernadete Perez Coelho (UFPE)
Guilherme Werneck (IESC/UFRJ) e (IMS/Uerj)
José Ivo Pedrosa (UFPI)
Marcio Florentino Pereira (UFSB)
Mario César Scheffer (FM/USP)
Naomar de Almeida Filho Aposentado UFSB e (UFBA)
Reinaldo Guimarães (UFRJ)
Rosana Onocko Campos (Unicamp)
Tatiana Engel Gerhardt (UFRGS)

Deliberative Council

Ana Paula Muraro (ISC/UFMT)
Anaclaudia Fassa (DMS-FM/UFPel )
Cristiani Vieira Machado (Ensp/Fiocruz)
Deivisson Vianna(UFPR)
Edna Araújo(UEFS)
Eli Iola Gurgel Andrade(UFMG)
Luis Eduardo Batista (Instituto de Saúde/SES-SP)
Luis Eugenio Portela de Souza(ISC/UFBA)
Luiza Garnelo( ILMD/Fiocruz Amazônia
Marilia Louvison(FSP/USP)
Regina Flauzino(ISC/UFF)

Executive Secretary

  • Thiago Barreto – Executive Secretary
  • Dayana Rosa – Executive Secretary Adjunct

Relationship with Associates

  • Nayara Alves – Coordenadora
  • Isabella Mendes

Communication Advisory

  • Bruno Cesar Dias - Coordenador 
  • Hara Flaeschen
  • Pedro Martins

Financial Sector

  • Cátia Pinheiro – Gerente
  • Dayane Souza
  • Juliano Messias –  Apprentice young

Administrative sector

  • Fernanda Sousa – Gerente
  • Jorge Luiz Lucas
  • Roberta Nascimento

Abrasco Books

  • André de Abreu Azevedo – Supervisor
  • Fidel Pinheiro
  • Marcelo Barreira

Instructions for contributors


Ciência & Saúde Coletiva publishes debates, analyses and research findings on specific themes considered to be of relevance to public health, as well as articles for discussion and analysis of the state of the art topics in the area and subareas, even if they are not directly related to the core theme under scrutiny. The journal is published monthly and sets out to tackle the challenges while seeking to consolidate and promote an ongoing update of trends of thought and practices in public health in a dialogue with the contemporary agenda of Science & Technology.

Open Access Policy - Ciência & Saúde Coletiva is published under the Open Access model and is therefore free for anybody to read and download, and to copy and disseminate for educational purposes.

The Ciência & Saúde Coletiva Journal accepts articles in preprints of nationally and internationally recognized databases.

When submitting your article, you should be aware of what a preprint is and how you should introduce yourself to this first stage of Open Science. The preprint makes articles and other scientific communications available immediately or in parallel with their evaluation and validation by the journals. This procedure accelerates the communication of research results, guarantees intellectual authorship, and allows authors to receive comments that improve their work before submitting it to any journal. While the article may remain only in the preprint repository (if authors do not want to submit it to a journal), the journals continue to exercise the fundamental functions of validating, preserving, and disseminating research. Therefore:

(1) You can submit your article now to the SciELO preprints server (https://preprints.scielo.org) or another trusted server. In this case, it will be evaluated by a team of specialists from these servers to verify whether the manuscript follows the essential criteria regarding text structure and types of documents. If approved, it will receive a doi that guarantees his immediate international dissemination.

(2) Concomitantly, should you wish so, you can submit it to Revista Ciência & Saúde Coletiva. Both processes are compatible.

(3) You could choose to submit the article only to Revista Ciência & Saúde Coletiva. Submission to the preprint repository is not mandatory.

Guidelines for the organization of thematic issues


Within the diversity of magazines in the area, the hallmark of Ciência & Saúde Coletiva Journal is its thematic focus in line with ABRASCO’s vocation to conduct in-depth study, as well as promote and disseminate academic debate and peer discussions on issues considered important and relevant and highlight the historical development of public health in Brazil.

The thematic editions are scheduled around four modes of submission:

  • By Term of Reference sent by teachers/researchers in the area of public health (spontaneously or suggested by the Editors-in-Chief) when they consider it relevant to examine a given subject in greater depth.
  • By Term of Reference sent by coordinators of unpublished and comprehensive research relevant to the area, on results presented in the form of articles within the guidelines described above. In these first two approaches, the Terms of Reference are evaluated on their scientific merit and relevance by the Associate Editors of the Journal.
  • By Public Call for papers announced in a page in the journal, and coordinated by Guest Editors. In this case, the Guest Editors accumulate the task of selecting the articles according to their scope to be judged on their merit by referees. Works for this modality will only be accepted if sent to the e-mail informed in the call.
  • By Internal Organization of in-house Editors-in-chief, bringing together unsolicited articles under a relevant title within the criteria already described.

The Term of Reference shall contain: (1) title (even provisional) of the proposed thematic edition; (2) the name (or names) of the Guest Editor(s); (3) justification summarized in one or two paragraphs on the proposal from the point of view of the objectives, context, meaning and relevance for Public Health; (4) a list of the ten proposed articles already with the names of the invited authors; (5) the proposal with the text consisting of an opinion or interview with someone who has authority in the discussion of the subject; and (6) proposal of one or two synopses of books that address the theme.

By editorial decision, the maximum number of articles written by the same author in a thematic edition shall not exceed three, either as first author or co-author.

It is emphatically suggested to the organizers that they submit contributions by authors from various national institutions and from foreign contributors. As for any other form of presentation, these editions accept texts in Spanish, English and French.



Recommendations for the submission of articles


Notes on Editorial Policy

The Revista Ciência & Saúde Coletiva reaffirms its mission of publishing original articles, which bring novelty and provide advancement in Collective Health knowledge. Any text that falls within this scope is and will always be welcome, within the criteria described below:

  1. The article should deal with local interest issues or be situated only on the descriptive plane.
  2. In his introduction, authors must make clear the unprecedented nature of the contribution of their article. It is also highly recommended that the author explains in detail in the letter to the editor why his article is a novelty and how it contributes to the advancement of knowledge.
  3. The data discussions should present an analysis that simultaneously values ​​the research’s specificity or review findings and sets these findings in dialogue with national and international literature.
  4. The qualitative article must present explicitly analyzes and interpretations anchored in some theory or theoretical reflection that promotes dialogue between the Social and Human Sciences and Public Health. The text should also value ​​national and international knowledge.
  5. As for quantitative articles, the journal prioritizes the population-based and those deriving from random sampling. Works not fitting the editorial line are those with small or only descriptive convenience samples or analyses without theoretical basis and superficial discussions and interpretations.
  6. Reviews should summarize the current state of the art and interpret the available evidence, producing a synthesis that contributes to the advancement of knowledge. Thus, our guidance is to publish only reviews of high relevance, scope, originality, and theoretical and methodological consistency, bringing new knowledge to Public Health.

Important note - Given the exponential increase in the Journal’s demand (which in 2020 exceeded 4,000 original works), all articles undergo an initial screening, carried out by the Editors-in-Chief. Their decision on whether to accept it or not is based on the priorities mentioned and the merit of the manuscript regarding originality, pertinence of statistical or qualitative analysis, adequacy of methods, and rich interpretation of the discussion. Only a small proportion of the originals are currently forwarded to reviewers and receive a detailed opinion considering these criteria.

C&SC journal adopts the "Rules for submission of proposed articles for publication in medical journals," of the International Committee of Editors of Medical Journals, the Portuguese version of which is published in Rev Port Clin Geral 1997; 14:159-174. The document is available on various sites on the World Wide Web, such as by way of example, www.icmje.org or www.apmcg.pt/document/71479/450062.pdf. Careful scrutiny of the text by the authors is recommended.

Sections of the publication

Editorial: this is the responsibility of the editors-in-chief or guest editors and it shall contain no more than 4,000 characters with spaces.

Thematic Articles: these shall contain empirical, experimental and conceptual results of research and reviews on the topic in question. The research texts shall not exceed 40,000 characters with spaces.

Free Themed Articles: these shall be of interest to public health by free submission of authors through the journal page. They shall have the same characteristics as the thematic articles, namely up to 40,000 characters with spaces, with the results of research and present analyses and assessments of theoretical, methodological and conceptual trends of the area.

Review Articles: these shall consist of texts exclusively based on secondary sources, subjected to methods of theoretically time-honored thematic or unsolicited analysis, being no longer than 45,000 characters with spaces.

Opinion: texts that express a qualified position of one or several authors or interviews conducted with specialists on the subject under discussion in the journal; they shall not exceed 20,000 characters with spaces.

Synopses: critical analysis of books related to the thematic field of public health, published in the previous two years, the text of which shall not exceed 10,000 characters including spaces. The authors of the synopsis shall include the full reference details of the book at the beginning of the text. References cited throughout the text shall abide by the same rules as the articles. At the time of submission of the synopsis the authors shall insert a high resolution reproduction of the book cover in jpeg format as an attachment in the system.

Letters: with testimonials and suggestions about what is published in previous issues of the journal (no more than 4,000 characters with spaces).

Note: The maximum character limit takes into account spaces and extends from the word "introduction" to the last bibliographic reference. The abstract and illustrations (figures and tables) are considered separately.



Presentation of manuscripts


1. The originals may be written in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English. Texts in Portuguese and Spanish shall feature the title, abstract and key words in the original language and in English. Texts in French and English shall have the title, abstract and key words in the original language and in Portuguese. Footnotes or notes at the end of the article shall not be accepted.

2. The texts shall be double-spaced, in Times New Roman with a font size of 12, with 2.5 cm margins, in MS Word format and sent by electronic mail only (http://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/csc-scielo) in accordance with the guidelines of the site.

3. Published articles shall be the property of C&SC journal, the full or partial reproduction thereof being prohibited in any medium, whether printed or electronic, without the prior permission of the editors-in-chief of the Journal. The secondary publication shall indicate the source of the original publication.

4. The articles submitted to C&SC shall not be offered simultaneously to other magazines.

5. Ethical issues relating to research publications involving human beings are the sole responsibility of the authors and shall be in accordance with the principles contained in the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association (1964, as revised in 1975, 1983, 1989, 1989, 1996 and 2000).

6. The articles shall be submitted with authorization to reproduce previously published material, use illustrations that may identify people and to transfer copyright and other documents.

7. The concepts and opinions expressed in the articles, as well as the accuracy and validity of the quotations shall be the exclusive responsibility of the authors.

8. The texts are generally (but not necessarily) divided into sections with the title headings Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, with the inclusion of subheadings within some sections sometimes being required. The titles and subtitles of the sections shall not be organized with progressive numbering, but with graphical features (upper case, decrease in margin, etc.).

9. The title shall have no more than 120 characters with spaces and an abstract with a maximum of 1400 characters including spaces (extending from the word "abstract" to the last keyword), which shall specify the scope, objectives, methodology, theoretical approach and the results of the research or investigation. Immediately below the abstract the authors shall indicate no more than five (5) key words. We draw attention to the importance of clarity and objectivity in writing the abstract, which shall certainly elicit the reader's interest in the article, and the key words that will assist in the multiple indexing of the article. The key words in the original language and in English must be mandatorily included in DeCS/MeSH (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/ and http://decs.bvs.br/).

10. When submitting articles to the Journal platform, it is mandatory that only one author has an ORCID registration (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). However, when the article is approved to be published in SciELO, all authors must have an ORCID registration. Therefore, for authors who do not have it yet, it is recommended that they register and validate it in ScholarOne. To register with ORCID go to the website (https://orcid.org/), and to validate the ORCID on ScholarOne, go to the website (https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/csc-scielo) and then, in the Log In page, click the Log In With ORCID iD button.


1. The people designated as authors shall have participated in the drafting of the articles such that they can publicly assume responsibility for their content. Qualification as an author shall assume: a) the conception and design or analysis and interpretation of data; b) drafting the article or revising it critically; and c) approval of the version to be published. The individual contributions of each author shall be specified at the end of the text (e.g. LMF worked on the design and final text and CMG worked on the research and methodology).

2. The article shall have up to eight authors in the header. The others will be included in the end of the article.


1. The rules for public health/community health nomenclature, as well as abbreviations and conventions adopted in the specialized disciplines, shall be rigidly adhered to. Abbreviations shall be avoided in the title and abstract.

2. The full designation to which an abbreviation refers shall precede its first appearance in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement.

Illustrations and Scales

1. The illustrative material of C&SC journal includes tables (demonstrative elements such as numbers, measures, percentages, etc.), charts (demonstrative elements with textual information), graphs (schematic demonstration of a fact and its variations), figures (schematic demonstration of information by means of maps, diagrams, flowcharts, as well as by means of drawings or photographs). It shall be borne in mind that the magazine is printed in one color only, namely black, and if the illustrative material is colored, it will be converted to grayscale.

2. The number of illustrative materials shall not exceed five per article, with exceptions relating to articles of systematization of specific areas of a thematic field. In this case the authors shall negotiate with the editors-in-chief.

3. All illustrative material should be produced in Word or Excel formats and submitted with titles and sources. Note: The IBGE link (http://biblioteca.ibge.gov.br/visualizacao/livros/liv23907pdf) contains the guidelines for the development of tables. Tables should be set in rows and columns, without extra spaces and without "page breaks". Each data must be entered in a separate cell. Important note: Tables and charts should bear a brief information. Tables and charts should not be more than 15 cm wide x 18 cm high and should not exceed two pages (A4 size, single-spaced and font size 9).

4. The tables and charts should be produced in Word or Excel formats and submitted with titles and sources. Note: The IBGE link (http://biblioteca.ibge.gov.br/visualizacao/livros/liv2390.pdf) contains the guidelines for the development of tables. Tables should be set in rows and columns, without extra spaces and without "page breaks". Each data must be entered in a separate cell. Important note: Tables and charts should bear a brief information. Tables and charts should not be more than 15 cm wide x 18 cm high and should not exceed two pages (A4 size, single-spaced and font size 9).

5. Graphs and figures can be produced in Excel, Word or PPT. Authors must submit the file in the original program, separated from the text, in an editable format (which allows the "copy and paste" feature) and in PDF or JPEG formats, GRAY SHADES. Graphs generated in image programs should be submitted in JPEG, GRAY TONES, with a minimum resolution of 200 dpi and maximum size of 20cm height x 15cm width. The original image must be of good quality, since there is no point in increasing resolution if the original figure is compromised. Graphs and figures should also be submitted with titles and sources. Figures and graphs must fit at most one page (A4 size, 15cm wide x 20cm high, font size 9).

6. Picture files such as maps or photos should be saved in (or exported to) the JPEG, TIF or PDF formats. In any case, the material must be generated and saved at the highest resolution (300 DPI or more) and the largest possible size (within the 21cm height x 15cm width). Any text in the figure must be formatted in Times New Roman, font size 9. Fonts and captions should also be submitted in an editable format that allows the "copy / paste" feature. This type of figure should also be submitted with titles and sources.

7. Authors who insert scales in their works must explicitly state in the letter of submission of their articles, whether they are in the public domain or if they have been granted permission to use them.

Messages of Thanks

1. When these are included, they shall be placed before the bibliographical references.

2. The authors shall be responsible for obtaining written permission of the persons named in the messages of thanks, since readers may infer that such persons agree with the data and conclusions reached.

3. The messages of thanks for technical support shall be in a separate paragraph from other types of contribution.


RC&SC meets Ordinance No. 206 of 2018 from the Ministry of Education / Coordination Foundation for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel/Office on mandatory citation of CAPES for works produced or published, in any media, arising from activities fully or partially funded by CAPES. These scientific works must identify the source of funding through the use of code 001 for all funding received.


1. References shall be numbered consecutively in accordance with the order in which they appear in the text. In the event that the references are from more than two authors, only the first author's name shall be cited in the text followed by et al.

2. References shall be identified by superscript Arabic numerals, as per the examples below:

Example 1: "Another indicator analyzed was the maturity of the PSF" 11 (p.38).

Example 2: "As Maria Adelia de Souza4 warns, the city..."

References only cited in tables and figures shall be numbered from the last reference number cited in the text.

3. References shall be listed at the end of the article in numerical order following the general norms of the Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

4. The names of journals shall be abbreviated according to the style used in the Index Medicus (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/).

5. The names of individuals, cities and countries shall be cited in the original language of publication.

Examples of how to cite references

Articles in journals

1. Standard article (include all authors)
Pelegrini MLM, Castro JD, Drachler ML. Equity in the allocation of resources for health: the experience in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Cien Saude Colet 2005; 10(2):275-286. Maximiano AA, Fernandes RO, Nunes FP, Assis MP, Matos RV, Barbosa CGS, Oliveira-Filho EC. Use of veterinary drugs, pesticides and related chemicals in water environments: demands, regulatory considerations and risks to human and environmental health. Cien Saude Colet 2005; 10(2):483-491.

2. Institution as author
The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand. Clinical exercise stress testing. Safety and performance guidelines. Med J Aust 1996; 164(5):282-284

3. Without indication of authorship
Cancer in South Africa [editorial]. S Afr Med J 1994; 84:15.

4. Issue with supplement
Duarte MFS. Physical maturation: a literature review with special attention to Brazilian children. Cad Saude Publica 1993; 9 (Suppl. 1):71-84.

5. Indication of the type of text, if necessary
Enzensberger W, Fischer PA. Metronome in Parkinson's disease [letter]. Lancet 1996; 347:1337.

Books and other monographs

6. Individual as author
Cecchetto FR. Violence, culture and power. Rio de Janeiro: FGV; 2004.

Minayo MCS. The challenge of knowledge: qualitative health research. 8th Edition. Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro: Hucitec, Abrasco; 2004.

7. Organizer or compiler as author
Bosi MLM, Mercado FJ, compilers. Qualitative research in health services. Petropolis: Vozes; 2004.

8. Institution as author
Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA). Control of aquatic plants by means of pesticides and related chemicals. Brasilia: DILIQ/IBAMA; 2001.

9. Book chapter
Sarcinelli PN. The exposure of children and adolescents to pesticides. In: Peres F, Moreira JC, organizers. It is either medicine or poison. Pesticides, health and environment. Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz; 2003. p. 43-58.

10. Abstract in Annals of Congresses
Kimura J, Shibasaki H, organizers. Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1995 Oct 15-19, Kyoto, Japan. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1996.

11. Complete works published in scientific events
Coates V, Correa MM. Characteristics of 462 pregnant adolescents in São Paulo. In: Annals of the V Brazilian Congress of adolescence, 1993; Belo Horizonte. p. 581-582.

12. Dissertation and thesis
Carvalho GCM. The federal public funding of the Unified Health System 1988-2001 [thesis]. London: School of Public Health; 2002.

Gomes WA. Adolescence, pubertal development and sexuality: information level of adolescents and teachers of municipal schools in Feira de Santana - BA [dissertation]. Feira de Santana (BA): State University of Feira de Santana; 2001.

Other published works

13. Newspaper article
New assisted reproductive techniques enable motherhood after 40 years of age. Jornal do Brasil, 2004 Jan 31; p. 12
Lee G. Hospitalizations tied to ozone pollution: study estimates 50,000 admissions annually. The Washington Post 1996 Jun 21; Sect. A: 3 (col. 5).

14. Audiovisual material
HIV +/AIDS: the facts and the future [videocassette]. St. Louis (MO): Mosby-Year Book, 1995.

15. Legal documents
Brazil. Law No. 8.080 of September 19, 1990. Deals with the conditions for promotion, protection and recovery of health, the organization and functioning of relevant services and other matters. Diário Oficial da União 1990; 19 Sept.

Forthcoming or unpublished material

Leshner AI. Molecular mechanisms of cocaine addiction. N Engl J Med Forthcoming 1996.

Cronemberg S, Santos DVV, Ramos LFF, Oliveira ACM, Maestrini HA, Calixto N. Trabeculectomy with mitomycin C in patients with refractory congenital glaucoma. Arq Bras Oftalmol. Forthcoming 2004.

Electronic material

16. Article in electronic format
Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis [journal on the Internet] 1995 Jan-Mar [cited 1996 Jun 5];1(1):[about 24 p.]. Available from: http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/eid.htm

Lucena AR, Velasco e Cruz AA, Cavalcante R. Epidemiological study of trachoma in the community of Chapada do Araripe – PE – Brazil. Arq Bras Oftalmol [serial on the Internet]. 2004 Mar-Apr [accessed 2004 Jul 12];67(2): [about 4 p.]. Available at: http://www.abonet.com.br/abo/672/197-200.pdf

17. Monograph in electronic format
CDI, clinical dermatology illustrated [CD-ROM]. Reeves JRT, Maibach H. CMEA Multimedia Group, producers. 2nd ed. Version 2.0. San Diego: CMEA; 1995.

18. Computer program

Hemodynamics III: the ups and downs of hemodynamics [computer program]. Version 2.2. Orlando (FL): Computerized Educational Systems; 1993

The articles will be evaluated through Peer Review by at least three consultants from the research knowledge area, from national and foreign educational and/or research institutions, with proven scientific production. After appropriate corrections and possible suggestions, the article will be accepted if it has two favorable opinions, and rejected when two opinions are unfavorable.

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