Basic information
The journal Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública (RPMESP) is the official publication for science diffusion of the Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS), Lima, Perú; it is a quarterly journal whose objective is the publication of scientific production in the biomedical social context, in order to participate in the improvement of the health situation of the country and the region. RPMES publishes articles on biomedical and public health topics; and facilitates exchange with similar entities in Peru and abroad, to promote research application and scientific experience in health. Edited first in October 1942, with the name of Revista de Medicina Experimental, since the year 2002 it keeps the actual denomination. The short title is Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica, which should be used in bibliography, footnotes, references and blbliographical legends. |
Indexing sources
Intellectual Property
All content of the journal, except where noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons license of type BY. |
The journal is exclusively funded by:
All rights are reserved by the Instituto Nacional de Salud. Any publication, diffusion or distribution of the presented information is authorized as long as the original source is cited. The papers don't necessarily express the journal´s opinion, being the authors responsible for the statements they issue. |
Associated Editors
Editorial Committee
Advisory council
Editorial Production
Objective and policy
The Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud PUblica (RPMESP) is the official unit of scientific diffusion for the National Institute of Health (INS) of Peru. It is a publication arbitrated by peers, published quarterly, with global scope and reach, and indexed in MEDLINE/Index Medicus, Scopus, EMBASE, SciELO Public Health and other international databases. The RPMESP is distributed in print and electronic versions, with free access to full text. The RPMESP publishes articles on topics of interest in experimental medicine or public health, highlighting practical contributions to help improve the health situation of the country and the region. These articles must not have been previously published in whole or in part, or sent simultaneously to other journals, in any language. Instructions for the journal are based on the "Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals" from the "International Committee of Medical Journal Editors' ICMJE. The types of articles included in the RPMESP are the following: Editorial, Original Articles, Brief Original, Review, Special Section, Symposium, History of Public Health, Case Reports, Photo Gallery, and Letters to Editor. EDITORIAL PROCESS INITIAL EVALUATION OF THE RPMESP EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Registered papers will be presented and offered for consideration by the Editorial Board of the RPMESP, which consists of a multidisciplinary team of expert members from leading research institutions. The Editorial Committee shall determine if the item may pass on to the peer review process, otherwise it will be returned to the author. PEER REVIEW Peer review seeks to ensure the quality of the articles published. Research papers are evaluated by two or more reviewers who are selected according to their expertise on the subject, proven by their publications and academic degrees. Also, there is support of independent experts in biostatistics and epidemiology that focus on the methodological aspects of the studies. In all cases, the participation of the reviewers is anonymous and ad honorem. The rating of the reviewers can be: a) publication of the paper without any modifications, b) publishable with minor modifications, which are recommendations for the improvement of the article; c) significant modifications, whose response is critical before accepting the publication of the article; d) recommendation to not publish the article. For original articles, the reviewers may suggest that the article is to be published as a Brief Report. In light of the comments of the reviewers, the Editorial Committee will decide on the publication of the article, its non-acceptance or submission of comments to the author. RESPONSE TO COMMENTS The author must send the corrected article and with tracked changes in a separate document, with an answer to each of the comments received. The comments by the reviewers and the Editorial Committee of the RPMESP must be resolved and/or duly supported for the decision to publish the article. The RPMESP may re-submit the corrected article to a reviewer before considering its publication. The average time of the editorial process, which includes the receipt of the article until the final decision of the Editorial Committee of the RPMESP varies from two to four months, depending on the response speed of our reviewers and the authors. PROOFS Approved items undergo an editing process, where authors can make changes, eliminate or add text, tables and figures, all of which will be presented to the authors for final approval. If the authors do not make comments to the proof within the deadline set by the Editorial Board, the article will be accepted by the RPMESP as the final version. ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION RESEARCH ETHICS The RPMESP attains the current standards of ethics in research and scientific publication. When research in humans is presented, authors must mention if the procedures respected ethical standards consistent with the Declaration of Helsinki (updated to 2013) and whether they were approved by an Institutional Review Board. The journal requires approval of an Institutional Review Board for: 1) Research in human beings; 2) Research that directly uses human biological materials or data capable of identifying humans such as biobank samples or medical records. The journal does not require approval of an Institutional Review Board for: 1) studies using secondary databases which are publicly available, including systematic reviews, meta-analysis and bibliometric studies; 2) Interventions of public health surveillance; 3) Investigation of outbreaks or health emergencies; 4) Assessments of public health programs. Doubts and/or controversies will be evaluated and resolved by the Editorial Board of the RPMESP as stated previously. All must comply with the following standards and international bodies: Declaration of Helsinki 2013, World Health Organization - WHO, The Council for International Organization of Medical Science – CIOMS, American College Of Epidemiology Ethics Guidelines, Health Research Ethics Authority – Canada. PUBLICATION ETHICS In cases where an ethical fault is detected either during review or after publication, the RPMESP will take the necessary measures based on the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (, which may include the refusal or withdrawal of the article, the ban of all authors of the article in coming issues of the RPMESP, notification to other journals, as well as communication with the relevant authorities (home institution, institution that funded the study, professional institutions and ethics committees). The most common forms of ethical lapses in publication are: plagiarism, fictitious or honorary authorship, data manipulation and attempts to duplicate or re-publish data. Authors are invited to establish a process of dialogue and transparency through seamless communication and request additional information regarding any concerns on these issues by contacting the RPMESP editorial team in the emails listed above. AUTHORSHIP CRITERIA The attribution of authorship in the RPMESP is based on the recommendations of the ICMJE: 1) Significant contributions to the conception and design of the manuscript, or the collection, analysis or interpretation of data; Authors must meet the four conditions mentioned. Also, the ICMJE states that the acquisition of funding, collection of data or general supervision of the research team does not justify authorship and those persons should be listed in the acknowledgments section. |
Format and preparation of the manuscripts
STRUCTURE OF ARTICLES 1. FIRST PAGE Must include: • Title; in Spanish and English (with a maximum of 15 words).
• Authors' contributions. The manuscript must indicate the individual contributions of each author in the preparation of the article, as indicated in the "Application and list of authors". If the research has been presented at a scientific meeting or as part of a thesis or technical report, authors should place the corresponding reference below the title. 2. ARTICLE BODY The manuscript should be in Microsoft Word®, in A4 page size, using 10 point "Arial" font, and single-spaced. The manuscript should include a call out for figures and tables, which should be attached in separate files. The maximum length of words according to the type of article is shown in Table 1. Table 1. Maximum length of words, tables, figures and references according to section.
* Section requested by the Director of the RPMESP. 3. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES Only bibliographic references cited in the text and ordered correlatively in order of appearance should be included in the bibliography. Vancouver format should be used in accordance with the rules of the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals" ICMJE ( In the case of more than six authors, the first six followed by "et al." should be used. Also, the title of the reference should include a hyperlink directed to the web site where the reference can be accessed, provided there is a corresponding electronic version. 4. TABLES AND FIGURES Each table or figure should be attached to individual files and in their original format. A reference to all tables and figures included in the attachment must be made in the body of the article. • Tables: must be ordered in Arabic numerals and contain all necessary information including a complete title that can be interpreted without referring to the text. The journal only accepts one horizontal line, used to separate the header from the body of the table, and in no case will include vertical lines. Tables should be in Word or Excel. The meaning for all abbreviations and symbols should be explained at the bottom of the table. • Figures: Figures are considered to be maps, photographs, diagrams or charts, and must be ordered with Arabic numerals. TIFFs or JPGs at a resolution of 600 dpi or 300 pixels are accepted. The figures must be presented in a format that can be edited. The legends of photomicrographs should indicate the magnification and staining method. Maps should also have a scale. In figures showing faces of patients, place a dark band covering the eyes to obscure identification of the patient. The authors must attach the written consent of the patient or his/her legal representative consenting to the publication of the photos. If a previously published figure is used, indicate the source of origin and submit written permission from the owner of the copyright. 5. CONSIDERATIONS OF STYLE The journal uses the International System of Units. Scientific names of species should be placed in italics. Titles of manuscripts should not use abbreviations. At first mention in the body of the text, the term should be spelled out, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Thereafter, only the abbreviation should be used. When referring to several authors in the body of the manuscript, indicate the last name of the first author, followed by "et al.". (e.g., Cabezas, et al.). SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR EACH TYPE OF ARTICLE 1. EDITORIAL Presented at the request of the director of the RPMESP, editorials should refer to articles published in the same number of the issue, particularly for a symposium, or address a topic of interest according to editorial policy. 2. ORIGINAL ARTICLE These are research articles that develop a topic of interest for the journal that are solid, original, current and timely. They must have the following structure: abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and references. The maximum length is 250 words for the abstract, 3,500 words for the content, six tables or figures, and thirty references. • Abstract structure: Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusions. In Spanish and English. 3. BRIEF ORIGINALS Brief Originals are research articles which due to their objectives, design and results can be published in abbreviated form. They must have the following structure: unstructured abstract, keywords, Introduction, Study (including methodology), Findings (describing results), Discussion and References. The maximum length is 150 words for the abstract, 2,000 words for the content, four figures or tables, and twenty references. 4. REVIEW Reviews should be conducted by experts in the field. They should include a thorough, objective and systematic exploration of current information on a particular topic of interest in experimental medicine or public health. Reviews must have the following structure: unstructured abstract, keywords, introduction, body of the article, conclusions and references. The maximum length is 250 words in the abstract, 4,000 words in the content, five figures or tables, and seventy references. 5. SYMPOSIUM These are a set of structured articles on a topic approved by the Editorial Board of the RPMESP and led by a Guest Editor, who proposes the authors. The theme and orientation of the articles will be coordinated with the Guest Editor for the edition. Symposium have the following structure: unstructured abstract, keywords, body of the article, and references. The maximum length is 250 words in the abstract, 4,000 words in the content, four figures or tables, and thirty references. 6. SPECIAL SECTION The Special Section includes articles that are within the editorial policy of the journal that do not conform to the characteristics of other sections. This includes essays, opinions, systematizations and experiences that are of interest to public health. No items that promote institutions, products, people or have conflicts of interest will be accepted for publication. These manuscripts have the following structure: unstructured abstract, keywords, body of the article, and references. The maximum length is 150 words in the abstract, 2,500 words in the content, three figures or tables, and thirty references. 7. CASE REPORT Cases presented must be of diseases or conditions of public health interest. They are to have the following structure: unstructured abstract, keywords, introduction, case report, discussion (where the contribution or teaching is highlighted) and references. The maximum length is 150 words in the abstract, 1,500 words in the body, five figures or tables and fifteen references. Patients are to be identified by a sequential number, authors will not use patient initials or clinical chart numbers from the hospital or institutional records, nor will they include any information on the basis of which the identity of the patient(s) could be known. Illustrations and/or photos must be described in detail. In the reproduction of microscopic preparations, authors must explain the enlargement and staining methods. At the foot of the legends, include the meaning of all abbreviations used. 8. HISTORY OF PUBLIC HEALTH This section includes articles on the history of public health including biographical notes on people who have made an outstanding contribution to public health or experimental medicine. These articles have the following structure: unstructured abstract, keywords, body of the article and references. The maximum length is 100 words in the abstract, 2,500 words in the content, three figures or tables, and thirty references. 9. PHOTO GALLERY These articles contain photos of interest for their uniqueness or novelty of a health issue, accompanied by a brief commentary on the theme and an explanation of the origin of the photos presented. The word limit is 800 and has a maximum of twelve figures and ten references. Figures must be accompanied by an explanatory legend. Editorial Board of the RPMESP reserves the right to limit the number of photos. 10. LETTER TO EDITOR This section is open to all readers of RPMESP. Authors send contributions to supplement or discuss articles published in the last two issues of the RPMESP as well as new and relevant points of view on issues of public health, ethics or medical education. Letters to the editor can have up to three authors and a maximum of 500 words. The editorial policy of the Journal allows authors to make a reply to reviewers’ comments. Results of preliminary investigations or interventions for outbreaks that have not been published or submitted for publication in another journal can be published. Letters to the Editor may have up to 1,000 words and one table or figure. These cases will be subject to review by a peer reviewer. Letters should not be divided into sections but should include a problem statement, discussion, and conclusion with recommendations. |
Manuscript Submission
Manuscript submissions should be uploaded to after subscribing as an author. It is mandatory that the corresponding author submits: 1) An application and list of authors, properly completed and following the proper format; We recommend that authors consider the following aspects to track articles sent to the RPMESP: - Make an acknowledgment to each communication. - Please send any questions to or call +511 7481111 Annex 2122. |