About the journal

Basic information


Salud Pública de México is a bi-monthly, interdisciplinary journal published by the Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública - INSP (National Institute of Public Health). Its general purpose is to disseminate information on public health, the latter being understood as the application of the biological, social and administrative sciences to the analysis of health phenomena in human population, as well as the identification of health needs and the organization of integrated services.

The journal's specific objectives are to review historical experiences and stimulate new currents of thought in the field of health issues; to participate in the debate over changes in health conditions and in the organized social response to such conditions; and to serve as a forum where all innovations in the field of public health and related areas can be discussed, with the greatest possible rigor.

Founded in 1959, the journal is published six times a year since 1961. It publishes both in English and Spanish full-length original research papers, brief communications, review articles, essays, updates, classics, indicators, health news, book reviews and letters to the editor.

The abbreviated title of the journal is Salud Publ Mex, which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, bibliographical references and strips.

Salud Pública de México reserves all copyrights in accordance with the terms of the legislation in force. All or part of the material published in the journal may be reproduced provided express permission has been obtained, in writing, from Salud Pública de México, and provided that the source is cited.



Indexing sources


The journal is indexed in:

  • Current Contents / Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Social Sciences Citation Index
  • Research Alert
  • Index Medicus
  • Index Medicus Latinoamericano
  • Indice Médico Español
  • EMBASE / Excerpta Medica
  • CAB Health / CAB Abstracts
  • European Clearing House on Health Systems Reforms
  • Indice de Revistas Mexicanas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACYT
  • Periódica
  • Indice de Revistas de Educación Superior e Investigación Educativa (IRESIE)


  • Lilacs - Literatura Latino-Americana em Ciências da Saúde
  • Medline


  • Artemisa




Salud Pública de México reserves all copyrights in accordance with the terms of the legislation in force. All or part of the material published in the journal may be reproduced provided express permission has been obtained, in writing, from the journal, and provided that the source is cited.

Signed articles are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the journal, of the National Institute of Public Health, nor of the institution to which the author is affiliated.


Editorial Board


  • Dr. Mauricio Hernández Avila
    Ministry of Health


Executive editor



Associated editors

  • Eduardo César Lazcano Ponce
    Epidemiology & Quantitative Methods
    Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública
  • Enrique Ruelas Barajas
    Health Systems
    Ministry of Health
  • Mario Henry Rodríguez López
    Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública
  • Juan Rivera Dommarco
    Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública
  • Lizbeth López
    Environmental Health
    Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública
  • Sergio López
    Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana -Xochimilco


Assistant editor

  • Monica Fuentes Ramirez
    Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública


Editorial comittee

  • Xavier Bosch
    Catalan Institute of Oncology - Spain
  • Viviane Brachet
    El Colegio de México - Mexico
  • Mario Bronfman Pertzovsky
    Fundación Ford - Mexico
  • Kenneth Brown
    University of California - USA
  • Pelayo Correa
    Louisiana State University - USA
  • Javier de la Fuente Hernández
    Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Eduardo L. Franco
    McGill University - Canada
  • Julio Frenk Mora
    Harvard School of Public Health - USA
  • Silvestre Frenk Freud
    Instituto Nacional de Pediatría - Mexico
  • Howard Frumkin
    Centers for Disease Control - USA
  • Anna D. Giuliano
    University of South Florida - USA
  • Roger I. Glass
    Fogarty International Center and National Institutes of Health - USA
  • Gonzalo Gutiérrez Trujillo
    Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social
  • Janet Hemingway
    Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine - United Kingdom
  • Gustavo Kourí
    Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kouri - Cuba
  • Jean Lebel
    International Development Research Centre - Canada
  • Rubén Lisker Yourkowitzky
    Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán - Mexico
  • Rafael Lozano Ascencio
    University of Washington - USA
  • Adolfo Martínez Palomo
    Coordinación de los Institutos Nacionales de Salud - Mexico
  • Reynaldo Martorell
    Emory University - USA
  • Onofre Muñoz Hernández
    Hospital Infantil de Mexico
  • José Narro Robles
    Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico
  • Ruy Pérez Tamayo
    Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico
  • Samuel Ponce de León Rosales
    Laboratorios de Biológicos y Reactivos de Mexico
  • Janine Ramsey
    Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública - Mexico
  • Jonathan Samet
    University of Southern California - USA
  • Jaime Sepúlveda
    Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - USA
  • Guillermo Soberón Acevedo
    Coordinación General de los Institutos Nacionales de Salud - Mexico
  • Giorgio Solimano
    Universidad de Chile
  • Julio Sotelo Morales
    Comisión Coordinadora de Institutos Nacionales de Salud - Mexico
  • Walter Willett
    Harvard School of Public Health - USA


Editorial production

  • Edition
    Susana de Voghel
    Francisco Reveles
    Jorge García
  • Production coordination
    Samuel Rivero Vázquez
  • Capture and formation
    Petra Montiel Martínez
    Zandra Arriaga Zamora
    Liliana Rojas
    Rubén Cortés
  • Graphics
    Juan Pablo Luna Ramírez
  • Editorial support
    Verónica Cuadra Hernández

Instructions to authors

Scope and editorial policy


The general purpose of the Salud Pública de México is to disseminate information on public health, the latter being understood as the application of the biological, social and administrative sciences to the analysis of health phenomena in human population, as well as the identification of health needs and the organization of integrated services.

The journal's specific objectives are to review historical experiences and stimulate new currents of thought in the field of health issues; to participate in the debate over changes in health conditions and in the organized social response to such conditions; and to serve as a forum where all innovations in the field of public health and related areas can be discussed, with the greatest possible rigor.

It publishes both in English and Spanish full-length original research papers, brief communications, review articles, essays, updates, classics, indicators, health news, book reviews and letters to the editor.

Manuscripts are accepted with the understanding that they represent original material, have not been published previously, are not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and all authors have granted permission for publication.

Full-length typescripts should not exceed 12 to 18 printed pages (about 3 000-4 000 words), including references, and five pages for tables and figures. Short papers must be limited to five pages of text (or about 1000 words) plus two tables and/or figures. (Please see Normas para la publicación de manuscritos).

All manuscripts undergo a preliminary review to determine whether or not they are suitable for publication in Salud Pública de México and also if they comply with its guidelines. All papers deemed suitable are acknowledged and sent out to reviewers. To ensure fairness, each manuscript will be assessed anonymously by two independent reviewers.

Salud Pública de México reserves the right to accept or reject any submitted papers, following the recommendations of its Editorial Board. All accepted manuscripts are subject to copy editing. Manuscripts are not returned to authors. Upon publication of approved papers, reprints are mailed free of charge to the corresponding author.



Style and format


All papers must follow the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Typescripts should be submitted with two additional copies; they should be typewritten, doublespaced throughout, on one side of 21 x 28 cm. white paper, as well as the diskette (3.5") with the file in Word, Word Perfect or ASCII (Macintosh or IBM compatible). If a paper has been presented at a meeting, this information should be noted on the manuscript.

The front page must only contain the title (not exceeding 90 characters), both in English and Spanish, the full names of the authors, their degrees, academic or professional titles, institutional affiliation, complete addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail, indicating the author designated as correspondent. Please notify the editor of any change of address.

Criteria for selection include scientific soundness, originality, topicality and timeliness of the information. In addition, the journal gives priority to original articles with research findings over reviews and essays. These two latter types of work are received, preferentially by direct invitation from the journal.

The correspondence should be sent to: Editor Ejecutivo, Salud Pública de México, Av. Universidad 655, Cub 22 PB, Santa María Ahuacatitlán, 62100 Cuernavaca, Morelos, México. If you would like to send your work electronically, please send it to: spm@correo.insp.mx. In all cases, we request that you send the original, signed submission letters to us at our physical address; by fax to: +52 (777) 329-3000 ext. 6426; or by e-mail as an attachment.


Abstracts should be limited to 150 words, structured as follows: objective, material and methods, results and conclusions. For brief communications limit the number of words to 100. Authors must also provide from three to six key words.

Original papers should be structured as follows: Introduction, Material and methods, Results and Discussion. Essays should be structured in: Introduction, Development of the topic and Conclusions.

Authors are responsible for correct reference citation. References should be numbered consecutively.

Journal references must include:

a) family name and initials of given name(s) of all authors (if more than six, only the first six should be given followed by et al);
b) title of journal articles, with only the initial of the first word in capital (and for names)
c) names of journals abbreviated according to lndex Medicus;
d) year of publication;
e) volume number (in Arabic numerals); and
f) the first and final page numbers of the article.

For books use:

a) names and initials of all authors;
b) full title of the book;
c) edition number;
d) place of publication;
e) publisher;
f) year of publication;
g) number of the volume if more than one, preceded by the word "vol."; and
h) page number(s).

In the case of book chapters, include the first and last page of the chapter, separated by a hyphen. All measurements should be reported in Standard International Units.

Each table should start at top of new page. Give each table a title. Number them in Roman numerals (Table I, Il, etc.), in the same order in which they are mentioned in the text. Figures (graphs, photographs or diagrams) should be numbered using Arabic numerals. (Figure 1, 2, etc.). Print each figure in a separate sheet giving each of them a title. Photographs should be glossy printed.



Where to send the papers


The original manuscript and two copies should be sent to Salud Pública de México, at the address below, care of the  editor, with a cover letter stating in written:

a) authors' agreement with the order of authorship and contents of the paper (including tables and figures);
b) that the authors transfer to Salud Pública de México copyright upon acceptance of publication;
c) that the paper is an original work that has not been published, either partially or totally, nor submitted for publication by anybody, to other national or foreign journals.

This letter must be signed by each author.





Oropeza-Abúndez C, Atrián-Salazar ML, Fuentes-Ramírez MR. Normas para la publicación de manuscritos en Salud Pública de Méxica. Salud Publica Mex 1997; 39:75-82.

Comité Internacional de Editores de Revistas Médicas. Requisitos uniformes para preparar los manuscritos enviados a revistas biomédicas. Salud Publica Mex 1992; 34(1):94-102.

Llópiz-Avilés M, Gómez-Dantés O. El Sistema Internacional de Unidades. Salud Publica Mex 1988; 30:905-908.

Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública Cuernavaca - Morelos - Mexico
E-mail: spm@insp3.insp.mx