• Development of immunizing agents against dengue Artículos

    López Antuñano, Francisco J.; Mota, Javier

    Abstract in Spanish:

    El complejo de los cuatro flavivirus del dengue es transmitido principalmente por el mosquito Aedes aegypti. Se han atribuido epidemias a la actividad de A. albopictus, A. polynesiensis y a varias especies del complejo A. scutellaris. Los factores de riesgo que determinan la probabilidad de enfermar o morir por dengue están relacionados tanto con el huésped (características genéticas, estado inmunitario, forma de vida y condiciones de salud, saneamiento básico de la vivienda y abastecimiento de agua potable) como con el virus (variabilidad genética de cepas entre y dentro de los serotipos, diferente capacidad patógena y distribución geográfica). A pesar de la falta de conocimiento sobre la inmunobiopatología del dengue, se han hecho importantes avances para conseguir una respuesta inmunitaria protectora con virus atenuados y con antígenos obtenidos por medio de tecnologías recombinantes. Desde los años 40, se ha intentado desarrollar vacunas contra el dengue. La inmunidad que se adquiere por infección natural es específica para cada serotipo y se han documentado infecciones por tres serotipos diferentes en la misma persona, por lo que probablemente sea necesaria una vacuna tetravalente. En voluntarios se han probado vacunas contra los cuatro serotipos que han sido inmunógenas y seguras. Aunque las vacunas con virus atenuados son prometedoras, son necesarios nuevos estudios sobre su eficacia y seguridad. Actualmente están en curso estudios para producir vacunas contra el virus del dengue mediante tecnologías de ADN recombinante y otras técnicas de biología molecular, utilizando como antígenos proteínas estructurales (principalmente la glicoproteína E) y no estructurales. Con el mismo propósito se han usado varios vectores de expresión, como Escherichia coli, baculovirus, virus de la vacuna y virus de la fiebre amarilla. Lamentablemente, no se han obtenido resultados satisfactorios en el hombre. La necesidad de desarrollar vacunas eficaces contra el dengue tiene especial importancia si se toma en cuenta la magnitud del problema de la transmisión de los cuatro serotipos en el mundo. La inmunización efectiva contra el dengue contribuirá a su prevención y la relación costo-beneficio será positiva. El hecho de que el dengue endémico afecte a niños de corta edad hace necesaria su inmunización, aprovechando la oportunidad que ofrece el Programa Ampliado de Inmunización.

    Abstract in English:

    The four serotypes of dengue flaviviruses are transmitted mainly by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, and some epidemics have been attributed to Ae. albopictus, Ae. polynesiensis, and various species of the Ae. scutellaris complex. The risk factors involved in dengue mortality and morbidity are related to the human host (genetic characteristics of infected persons; lifestyles, immune status, and health conditions of people; basic sanitation of dwellings; and water supply) and to the virus (genetic variability between and among serotypes, different pathogenicities, and geographic distribution). Notwithstanding the lack of knowledge of the immunopathobiology of dengue fever, important advances have been made in terms of a protective immune response, using attenuated dengue viruses or antigens produced by means of recombinant technologies. Efforts have been made since the 1940s to develop dengue vaccines. Immunity acquired from natural infection is specific for each serotype, and as many as three different serotype infections have been reported in one individual. For this reason, a tetravalent vaccine may likely be needed. Candidate vaccines against the four serotypes have been tested in volunteers and have proven to be immunogenic and safe. Although attenuated live virus vaccines are promising, more study is needed regarding their effectiveness and safety. Currently, several studies are ongoing to develop dengue vaccines using antigens from structural proteins (particularly E glycoprotein) and nonstructural proteins, with recombinant DNA technology and other biomolecular technologies. With the same goal, various expression vectors are being used, including Escherichia coli, baculovirus, vaccinia virus, and yellow fever virus. Unfortunately, no satisfactory results have been obtained in humans. The need for effective dengue vaccines is great, given the serious worldwide problem of the transmission of the four serotypes. Effective immunization against dengue would contribute to its prevention, with a positive cost-benefit relationship. Endemic dengue affects young children, and they should be immunized through the Expanded Program on Immunization.
  • Primary health care lessons from the Northeast of Brazil: the Agentes de Saúde Program Articles

    Svitone, Ennio Cufino; Garfield, Richard; Vasconcelos, Maria Ines; Craveiro, Villane Araujo

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Generalmente se considera que las reformas económicas dirigidas por el mercado entran en conflicto con el desarrollo socioeconómico de los grupos desfavorecidos dirigido desde el gobierno. No obstante, desde 1987, Ceará, un estado pobre del Nordeste brasileño, ha seguido simultaneamente estas dos estrategias. Parte de este abordaje ha sido un programa de auxiliares sanitarios, dirigido por personal de enfermería, que cubre cerca de 5 millones de personas: casi todas las que habitan fuera de la capital y la mitad de las residentes en la capital. El programa requiere que esos auxiliares, llamados agentes de salud, vivan en las comunidades que sirven. Los agentes de salud visitan cada domicilio una vez al mes para llevar a cabo un pequeño número de actividades sanitarias prioritarias. Aunque hay una gran demanda de empleo como agentes de salud, el salario que reciben representa tan solo una pequeña fracióin del presupuesto estatal. Un aspecto clave del sistema es la provisión de información integral y oportuna, basada en las visitas de los agentes y gestionada por enfermeros entrenados. Desde que se implantó el sistema de los agentes de salud ha habido una rápida disminución de la mortalidad infantil y un rápido aumento de las inmunizaciones, se han identificado obstáculos que limitan la utilización de otros recursos médicos y ha habido intervenciones oportunas en momentos de crisis. El sistema de los agentes de salud ha combinado la descentralización administrativa con la centralización financiera en un período de democratización electoral. El sistema ha fortalecido el compromiso del estado de Ceará con la atención primaria, a pesar de los cambios dirigidos por el mercado que han reducido el papel global del gobierno. El programa de Ceará está siendo copiado en todo el Nordeste y en otras regiones de Brasil. El papel clave desempeado por el personal de enfermería en la organización y liderazgo de un sistema de atención primaria básica en barrios pobres y áreas rurales puede proporcionar lecciones útiles a otros países, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que Ceará carece de muchas de las características favorables de las que disponen otros países que han invertido con éxito en la atención primaria. Por tanto, Ceará representa un modelo asequible para otros países donde, al igual que en Brasil, la equidad de ingresos, nivel educacional y propiedad de la tierra es limitada.

    Abstract in English:

    Market-led economic reforms are usually viewed as being in conflict with government-stimulated socioeconomic development for disadvantaged groups. Nevertheless, Ceará, a poor state in the Northeast of Brazil, has since 1987 pursued both of those strategies simultaneously. One part of that approach has been a program of nurse-directed auxiliary health workers serving about 5 million people--almost all the persons outside the capital city and half of those in the capital. The system requires that the auxiliaries, called agentes de saúde, live in the local communities that they serve. The health agents visit each home once a month to carry out a small number of priority health activities. While health agent positions are in high demand, the minimum-wage salary that the agents receive makes up only a small portion of the state budget. A key aspect of the system is timely and comprehensive information, which is based on agent visits and is managed by trained nurses. Since the health agents system was launched, there has been a rapid decline in infant mortality, a rapid rise in immunization, identification of bottlenecks limiting the utilization of other medical resources, and timely interventions in times of crisis. The health agents system has combined administrative decentralization with financial centralization during a period of electoral democratization. The system has strengthened Ceará's commitment to primary care even as market-oriented changes have reduced the overall role of government. The Ceará program is being copied throughout the Northeast and other regions of Brazil. The key role that nurses play in the Ceará program in organizing and leading a system of basic primary care in poor neighborhoods and rural areas may provide useful lessons for other countries. In addition, Ceará does not have many of the favorable characteristics of other countries that have successfully invested in primary health care. Ceará thus represents a more achievable model for other countries, where, like Brazil, income, educational levels, and land tenure equity are limited.
  • Surveillance of infant deaths in local health systems: assessment of verbal autopsies and of information collected by community health agents

    Barrêto, Ivana C. H. C.; Pontes, Lígia Kerr; Corrêa, Luciano

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Conhecer os eventos vitais de uma população é de fundamental importância para combater a morbimortalidade e melhorar as condições de vida. Contudo, no Brasil, os sistemas de informação de saúde têm-se mostrado ineficientes. No presente estudo, realizado em três municípios do Estado do Ceará (Quixadá, Icapuí e Jucás), com boa cobertura de serviços de atenção primária à saúde, foram investigados, através de um instrumento epidemiológico denominado autópsia verbal, 215 óbitos de crianças menores de 1 ano de idade, representando 90% do total dos óbitos em 1993 e 1994. Foram averiguadas as características socioeconômicas, cuidados e higiene, estado nutricional, o processo de doença, assistência e morte, a causa básica do óbito e o funcionamento do sistema de informação sobre mortalidade e do sistema de informação de agentes de saúde. Segundo a autópsia verbal, 39% dos óbitos tiveram como causa básica a diarréia, seguida da prematuridade (17%) e infecção respiratória aguda (10%); 49% das crianças morreram no domicílio, embora 79% das famílias tenham procurado os serviços de saúde no decorrer da doença fatal, sugerindo uma baixa efetividade na identificação e no tratamento de lactentes com doenças graves. Em 84% dos casos, a família procurou a rezadeira. Os agentes de saúde foram procurados em 29% dos casos, embora tenham notificado 78% dos óbitos investigados. A concordância estatística entre diagnóstico dos agentes de saúde para a causa básica do óbito e autópsia verbal foi boa para a diarréia, regular para outras causas, e fraca para a infecção respiratória aguda. A incorporação da autópsia verbal à rotina dos serviços de atenção primária à saúde do Estado propiciaria informações valiosas para as equipes locais de saúde e geraria uma consciência crítica que favorece a redução da mortalidade infantil.

    Abstract in English:

    Knowing the vital statistics of a population is fundamental in controlling morbidity and mortality and improving living conditions. In Brazil, however, the available health information systems do not provide reliable vital statistics. This study was carried out in Quixadá, Icapuí, and Jucás, three municipalities in the state of Ceará that had good coverage by primary health care services. The study used an epidemiological instrument known as a "verbal autopsy" and investigated 215 (90%) of the 237 deaths of children younger than 1 year identified in 1993 and 1994 in the three communities. We investigated socioeconomic characteristics; sanitary conditions; nutritional status; the course of illness, health care, and death; the cause of death; and the operation of the national mortality information system and of the community health agents system. According to the verbal autopsies, diarrhea was the cause of death in 39% of the cases, followed by premature birth (17%), and acute respiratory infections (10%). Even though 79% of the families had sought formal health care services during the child's illness, 49% of the infants had died at home. This suggests limited effectiveness in the identification and treatment of sick infants. In 84% of the cases the family sought help from folk healers. Although community health agents reported 78% of the deaths, only 29% of the families had sought help from the agents during the children's illnesses. In terms of the statistical agreement between the information on the cause of death provided by community health agents and by the verbal autopsies, the agreement was good for diarrhea, intermediate for other causes, and low for acute respiratory infections. Making verbal autopsy a routine part of primary health care services in Ceará would provide invaluable information for local health care teams and would raise a critical consciousness fostering a reduction in infant mortality.
  • Drinking water quality and diarrheal diseases in Cuba, 1996-1997 Artículos

    Aguiar Prieto, Pablo; Cepero Martín, José A.; Coutin Marie, Gisele

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Durante 1996 y 1997 se llevó a cabo un estudio en 31 ciudades cubanas de más de 35 000 habitantes con el objetivo de determinar si había una relación entre la calidad del agua de consumo y la frecuencia de las enfermedades diarreicas agudas (EDA). Como indicadores de la calidad del agua se establecieron su grado de desinfección (expresado en términos de la concentración de cloro) y su potabilidad (expresada en términos de su contaminación con coliformes), y para evaluar la frecuencia de EDA se examinó el número de consultas a médicos de familia y cuerpos de guardia en los hospitales y policlínicos que fueron ocasionadas por estas enfermedades. Las mediciones semanales de las concentraciones de cloro y las determinaciones mensuales de la cantidad de coliformes se hicieron mediante la toma diaria de muestras de agua en 2 045 puntos clave de las redes de distribución de agua de las ciudades estudiadas. En 1996 y 1997, los porcentajes de muestras con buena cloración (cloro residual > o = 0,3 mg/L) en todo el territorio nacional fueron de 72,4 y 74,8%, respectivamente, mientras que los porcentajes de muestras con poca contaminación (número más probable [NMP] de coliformes fecales <=9,2/100 mL) fueron de 87,0 y 76,5%, respectivamente. Por regresión logística se detectó en el nivel local una correlación inversa entre cada uno de estos porcentajes y el número de atenciones médicas por EDA (por 100 000 habitantes), aunque no fue estadísticamente significativa. Los resultados del presente estudio permitieron a los autores estratificar en tres grupos el riesgo de sufrir EDA en cada ciudad según la calidad del agua: riesgo alto (23 ciudades), moderado (8 ciudades) y bajo (0 ciudades).

    Abstract in English:

    A study was conducted in 1996 and 1997 in 31 Cuban cities having a population greater than 35 000, in order to determine if there was a relationship between drinking water quality and the frequency of acute diarrheal diseases (ADD). We used the level of disinfection (based on chlorine concentration) as well as the level of bacterial contamination (based on the presence of coliform bacteria) as water quality indicators, and the frequency of ADD was calculated on the basis of the number of visits (per 100 000 inhabitants) to individual family physicians and to physicians on call in hospitals and polyclinics that were prompted by ADD. Weekly determinations of chlorine concentrations and monthly measurements of bacterial contamination were performed by taking daily water samples at 2 045 key sites along the water distribution channels in the cities included in the study. In 1996 and 1997, the percentages of samples with good chlorination (residual chlorine =0.3 mg/L) for the entire country were 72.4% and 74.8%, respectively, whereas the percentages of samples with little bacterial contamination (most probable number [MPN] of fecal coliform bacteria =9,2/100 mL) were 87.0% and 76.5%, respectively. Logistic regression revealed, at the local level, an inverse correlation between each of these percentages and the number of medical consultations for ADD (per 100 000 inhabitants), although it was not statistically significant. These results allowed the authors to stratify the cities included in the study according to their different levels of risk for ADD: high risk (23 cities), moderate risk (8 cities), and low risk (0 cities).
  • Lymphatic filariasis in the Caribbean region: the opportunity for its elimination and certification Articles

    Rawlins, Samuel C.; Lammie, Patrick; Tiwari, Tejpratap; Pons, Pedro; Chadee, Dave D.; Oostburg, Baltus F. J.; Baboolal, Shiremattee

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Con el fin de documentar la posibilidad de certificar la eliminación de la filariasis linfática (FL) en algunos países del Caribe, hemos comparado la prevalencia del antígeno circulante de Wuchereria bancrofti en comunidades de Guyana, de Suriname y de la isla de Trinidad. Para ello, utilizamos una nueva prueba inmunocromatográfica de FL en escolares de seis comunidades de Guyana, cinco de Suriname y tres de la isla de Trinidad. También estudiamos adultos de los tres países, centrándonos especialmente en Blanchisseuse, Trinidad, donde en 1981 se llevó a cabo un tratamiento masivo para la eliminación de la FL. La prevalencia del antígeno circulante de Wuchereria bancrofti en los escolares osciló entre 1,7 y 33,2% en Guyana; en Suriname la prevalencia global fue de 0,22% y en Trinidad de 0,0%. En los adultos de dos comunidades de Guyana las cifras de prevalencia fueron de 16,7 y 32,1%. Los resultados de la prueba fueron negativos en los 211 adultos de comunidades del norte, centro y sur de Trinidad, así como en los 29 adultos de Suriname. Los resultados obtenidos indican que, al contrario de lo que afirman los informes de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) sobre la endemicidad de la FL, la enfermedad parece haber desaparecido en Trinidad y tener una prevalencia muy baja en Suriname. Trinidad y Tabago y otros países del Caribe en los que se demuestre la ausencia de la enfermedad podrían obtener un certificado de eliminación de la FL. En Suriname, la pequeña y localizada bolsa de personas infectadas que actuarían como reservorio podrían ser investigadas y tratadas con el fin de conseguir la eliminación de la enfermedad. Los países donde todavía hay FL, como Guyana, podrían acceder a los nuevos recursos internacionales como parte de los esfuerzos para la eliminación de la FL. Un programa de certificación adecuado ayudaría a identificar cuáles son los países que deberían buscar estos nuevos recursos para la eliminación de la LF.

    Abstract in English:

    In order to support the case for a certification of elimination of lymphatic filariasis (LF) in some Caribbean countries, we compared the prevalence of circulating Wuchereria bancrofti antigen in communities in Guyana, Suriname, and Trinidad. For the study, we assayed school children in six communities in Guyana, five communities in Suriname, and three communities in Trinidad for the prevalence of circulating W. bancrofti antigen, using a new immunochromatographic test for LF. We also assayed adults in these three countries, with a special focus on Blanchisseuse, Trinidad, where mass treatment for LF elimination had been carried out in 1981. The prevalences of W. bancrofti circulating antigen found in the school children populations ranged from 1.7% to 33.2% in Guyana and were 0.22% overall in Suriname and 0.0% in Trinidad. Among adults in two Guyana communities the prevalences were 16.7% and 32.1%. The results were all negative from 211 adults in communities in the north, center, and south of Trinidad, as well as from 29 adults in Suriname. The data suggest that contrary to reports of LF endemicity from the World Health Organization, LF may no longer be present in Trinidad and may be of very low prevalence in Suriname. Trinidad and Tobago and other Caribbean nations proven negative could seek to be awarded a certificate of LF elimination. In Suriname the small localized pocket of infected persons who may serve as a reservoir of LF infection could be tested and appropriately treated to achieve LF elimination. Such LF-positive countries as Guyana should access new international resources being made available for LF elimination efforts. An adequate certification program would help identify which countries should seek the new LF elimination resources.
  • Epidemiology of leptospirosis in a livestock production area of the Andes Artículos

    Ochoa, Jesús E.; Sánchez, Antonio; Ruiz, Iván

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Se realizó un estudio transversal con el objetivo de estimar la prevalencia de la infección por Leptospira en las poblaciones de operarios, bovinos y porcinos de explotaciones ganaderas y explorar algunas variables ambientales y del sistema de producción asociadas a la seropositividad. La investigación se desarrolló entre noviembre de 1997 y febrero de 1998 en el municipio de Don Matías, norte del departamento de Antioquia (Colombia), en una zona de clima frío, donde existe un sistema de producción "cerdos-pastos-leche" que utiliza el estiércol de cerdo como fertilizante de las praderas de pastoreo. Se estudiaron 23 granjas y se obtuvieron muestras de sangre de 67 operarios de lechería y porcicultura, de 174 vacas en producción y de 68 cerdos de ceba y 214 de cría. Se empleó la microaglutinación-lisis (MAT) para seis serotipos de Leptospira. La prevalencia de individuos seropositivos fue de 22,4% (intervalo de confianza de 95% (IC95%: 13,1 a 34,2) en los operarios, de 60,9% (IC95%: 53,2 a 68,2) en las vacas en producción, de 10,3% en los cerdos de ceba y de 25,7% en los cerdos de cría. Se construyeron cuatro modelos de regresión logística para identificar las variables que predecían la infección en los operarios y en las vacas en producción. Se encontró una alta prevalencia de infectados por Leptospira (serotipos pomona, bratislava y hardjo) en este sistema de producción en el que existen condiciones favorables para la transmisión de este microorganismo en las diferentes especies animales y en los humanos.

    Abstract in English:

    A cross-sectional study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of Leptospira infection in populations of workers, cattle, and pigs in livestock operations and to explore some environmental and production system variables associated with seropositivity. The research was done between November 1997 and February 1998 in the municipality of Don Matías, in the northern part of the department of Antioquia, Colombia. The area has a cold climate, and there is a "pigs-grasses-milk" production system that utilizes pig dung to fertilize grazing pastures. A total of 23 farms were studied, and blood samples were obtained from 67 dairy and pig-raising workers, 174 dairy cows, 68 pigs for fattening, and 214 pigs for breeding. The microagglutination test (MAT) was used for six Leptospira serotypes. The seropositivity prevalence was 22.4% among the workers (95% confidence interval: 13.1% to 34.2%), 60.9% among the dairy cows (95% CI: 53.2% to 68.2%), 10.3% in the fattening pigs, and 25.7% in the breeding pigs. Four logistic regression models were constructed to identify the variables that predicted infection in the workers and in the dairy cows. A high prevalence of infection with Leptospira (serotypes pomona, bratislava, and hardjo) was found in this production system, where conditions are favorable for transmitting this microorganism to the different animal species and to humans.
  • Epidemiologic aspects of Haemophilus influenzae type b infection

    Bouskela, Maria Angela Loguercio; Grisi, Sandra; Escobar, Ana Maria de Ulhôa

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi revisar o papel do Haemophilus influenzae tipo b (Hib) como um dos patógenos mais importantes implicados em doenças infecciosas invasivas, especialmente nos 2 primeiros anos de vida. Nos países em desenvolvimento, o H. Influenzae chega a causar 30% dos casos de pneumonia com cultura positiva e de 20 a 60% dos casos de meningite bacteriana. No presente estudo, dados epidemiológicos do Brasil foram comparados com dados internacionais obtidos em bancos de dados (Medline, 1966 a 1995; LILACS, 1982 a 1995; Thesis databank, 1980 a 1995; e Dissertation abstracts, 1988 a 1994). Analisámos o coeficiente de incidência do Hib no Brasil por estado e por faixa etária, com estratificação inclusive para o 1° ano de vida. A meningite foi utilizada como marcador do coeficiente de incidência devido às dificuldades para obter material adequado para a identificação do microrganismo nos outros quadros, como pneumonia, osteomielite, epiglotite ou endocardite. Nossa análise revelou que os dados nacionais mascaram a incidência e a letalidade regionais do H. influenzae: por exemplo, em 1991, a incidência no Brasil foi de 18,4 em 100 000 crianças menores de 1 ano; no mesmo período, a incidência no Distrito Federal foi de 175 em 100 000 crianças entre 4 e 6 meses. Além disso, a letalidade na região Norte foi de 35% em 1987, contra 22% para o Brasil como um todo. Nosso estudo abre a discussão sobre aspectos epidemiológicos relevantes das infecções por Hib e sobre o custo-benefício da profilaxia e vacinação nas faixas etárias de maior risco.

    Abstract in English:

    This paper reviews the role of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) as one of the most important pathogens causing invasive infectious diseases, especially in the first 2 years of life. In developing countries H. influenzae is responsible for 30% of all pneumonia cases with positive cultures and for 20% to 60% of all bacterial meningitis cases. In this study we compared Brazilian and international epidemiologic data obtained from several bibliographic databases (MEDLINE, 1966 to 1995; LILACS, 1982 to 1995; Thesis Databank, 1980 to 1995; and Dissertation Abstracts, 1988 to 1994). The incidence of Hib infection in Brazil was analyzed for individual states and for different ages, including within the first year of life. Meningitis cases were used as an incidence marker because of the difficulty in identifying the causative organism in such other infections as pneumonia, osteomyelitis, epiglottitis, cellulitis, and endocarditis. Our analysis showed that the nationwide Brazilian data masked the regional incidence and lethality of H. influenzae. For example, in 1991 the national incidence was 18.4 per 100 000 children under 1 year of age. In the same period, the Federal District had an incidence of 175 per 100 000 among children between 4 and 6 months of age. Similarly, the North of Brazil had a 35% case fatality rate in 1987, whereas the rate was 22% for Brazil as a whole. This study raises issues concerning the relevant epidemiologic factors associated with Hib infection and the costs and benefits of prophylaxis and vaccination in the age groups most at risk.
  • Cómo presentar los resultados del metaanálisis de estudios por observación Instantáneas

  • Debate sobre cuándo suspender la vacunación contra la poliomielitis Instantáneas

  • ¿Podrá encontrarse una vacuna contra la enfermedad de Alzheimer? Algunos opinan que sí Instantáneas

  • La carga de VIH en la sangre y el riesgo de transmisión por contacto heterosexual Instantáneas

  • Los programas de desarrollo multisectoriales y su impacto en la salud Instantáneas

  • Science for health: notes on the organization of scientific activity for the development of health in Latin America and the Caribbean Current Topics

    Pellegrini Filho, Alberto

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Durante los años 90 los países de América Latina y el Caribe sufrieron profundas transformaciones en sus estructuras económicas, políticas y sociales, incluida la forma en la que han producido, diseminado y utilizado conocimientos científicos que pudieran mejorar la salud de sus ciudadanos. Sin embargo, y a pesar de que la situación ha mejorado mucho entre la década de los 80 y la de los 90, son necesarios más cambios para desarrollar plenamente el potencial de la actividad científica como promotora de la salud en América Latina y el Caribe. El gasto actual de América Latina en investigación y desarrollo es relativamente bajo cuando se toma en cuenta su peso relativo en términos de población o producto interno bruto e, igual que ocurre con el número de investigadores y el número de publicaciones resultantes, está concentrado en unos pocos países. Con el alejamiento de la planificación estatal centralizada, las universidades y otras instituciones deben implicarse más en la definición de las prioridades de la investigación en salud. Una mejor diseminación y utilización de los resultados de la investigación podrían contribuir a la definición e implementación de políticas de salud eficaces y equitativas.
  • Proposal for an ethical and interdisciplinary approach to the design and implementation of public policies Temas de Actualidad

    Arturo Chaves, Jorge

    Abstract in English:

    This article discussess important concepts on ethics applied to the design and evaluation of public policies and explores several complex notions, such as quality of life, equity, development, and well-being, and the way in which they have been interpreted at different times. It examines the ideology of Amyrta Sen, winner of the 1998 Nobel Prize for Economics, and the parameters he proposed in order to counter the tendency to conceive of human well-being and social progress in strictly economic terms, on the basis of the gross domestic product and other mathematical formulas and numerical indicators. In the design and implementation of public policies, both in the field of health as well as in others, such as education and housing, it is imperative to apply an ethical and interdisciplinary approach based on a practical and realistic view of economics and on the active participation of the beneficiaries of the policies in defining the values and priorities behind them. In this way, ethical judgment will always be present and will inspire, "from within," every step of the policy design process, and those affected by the policies will become legitimate agents in their design and implementation. The last part of the article describes the steps involved in this ethical and interdisciplinary design process, as well as its realistic and idealistic components.
Organización Panamericana de la Salud Washington - Washington - United States
E-mail: contacto_rpsp@paho.org