Abstract in Spanish:
Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles apareados para identificar los factores de riesgo de sarampión durante una epidemia que tuvo lugar en 1997 en la ciudad de São Paulo, en el estado brasileño del mismo nombre. Se incluyeron los casos de sarampión ocurridos en esa ciudad entre el 1 de enero y el 15 de agosto de 1997. Los criterios para definir los casos fueron: edad inferior a 30 años, no haber sido vacunado contra el sarampión en los 5-21 días anteriores al inicio del exantema y confirmación mediante la detección de anticuerpos IgM. A partir de un banco de datos de casos confirmados de sarampión, se seleccionaron aleatoriamente 130 casos de cada uno de los siguientes grupos de edad: menores de 1 año, 1 a 5 años, 6 a 20 años, 21 a 24 años y 25 a 29 años; la selección se hizo de acuerdo con un criterio sistemático proporcional al número de casos en siete zonas de la ciudad. Los datos fueron recolectados mediante una encuesta domiciliaria y por cada caso de sarampión se estudiaron dos controles emparejados según la edad y el lugar de residencia. El análisis de regresión logística condicional de los posibles factores de riesgo identificados en el análisis univariado reveló que los factores que mejor predecían la adquisición de la enfermedad durante la epidemia eran: 1) la ausencia de vacunación contra el sarampión; 2) el contacto previo, en casa o en el trabajo, con un caso de enfermedad similar al sarampión; 3) el haber nacido fuera de São Paulo o en una zona rural; 4) el estar empleado, y 5) el pasar parte del día en una institución semicerrada, como una guardería, un centro infantil o una escuela. Los factores de riesgo no fueron homogéneos para los diferentes grupos de edad. Los datos de este estudio indican que, además de la falta de vacunación, habría que considerar otros factores de riesgo a la hora de planificar una estrategia de vacunación contra el sarampión en países en desarrollo.Abstract in English:
A matched case-control study was performed to identify risk factors for measles during an epidemic that occurred in 1997 in the city of São Paulo, in the Brazilian state of the same name. Measles cases from the city of São Paulo from 1 January 1997 to 15 August 1997 were included in the study. The criteria for case definition were age below 30 years, having received no measles vaccine 5-21 days before the onset of rash, and laboratory confirmation by IgM antibodies detection. From a bank of confirmed measles cases, 130 cases for each of five age ranges (under 1 year, 1-5 years, 6-20 years, 21-24 years, and 25-29 years) were picked at random according to a systematic criterion proportional to the number of cases in seven areas of the city. Data were collected through a home survey, and for each measles case studied two controls matched by age and place of residence were selected. The matched conditional logistic regression analysis for the potential risk factors from the univariate analysis showed that the best predictors for acquiring measles during the epidemic were: lack of measles vaccination, previous contact with a measles-like disease at home or on the job, having been born either outside the state of São Paulo or in a rural area, being employed, and spending time in a semiclosed institution, such as a nursery, day care center, or school. The risk factors were not homogeneous for the different age groups. The data in the present survey suggest that, in addition to lack of vaccination, other risk factors should be considered when planning a measles vaccination strategy for a developing country.Abstract in Spanish:
La búsqueda de tratamientos antimaláricos breves sigue siendo una necesidad en países con alta endemicidad de la malaria. La Organización Mundial de la Salud ha recomendado un régimen terapéutico de tres días para aquellas áreas donde no se haya registrado resistencia a la cloroquina. La malaria tiene una distribución preferentemente rural, en zonas con población muy dispersa, lo que dificulta la aplicación de tratamientos de varios días de duración. Este ensayo clínico aleatorio con triple enmascaramiento compara la eficacia terapéutica de tres regímenes diferentes, de 1, 5 y 9 días de duración, frente al régimen estándar de 14 días. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los cuatro regímenes (rango logarítmico = 5,33; grados de libertad = 3; P = 0,15), por lo que recomendamos utilizar el régimen de un día contra Plasmodium vivax en áreas rurales dispersas donde el acceso a los servicios de salud sea difícil.Abstract in English:
The search for short treatments for malaria is still a goal for many developing countries. The World Health Organization has recommended a three-day treatment with primaquine and quinine, but this treatment is difficult to apply in many rural areas because it requires a malaria technician to stay at least three days in a community. This is very hard when these communities are dispersed and increases the cost of treatment and supplies. This study tested treatments of 1, 5, and 9 days against a treatment of 14 days. Using the Kaplan-Meier method, no statistical difference was found among these four treatment approaches. We strongly recommend using the one-day treatment, in and endemic rural areas where the population is dispersed and has difficulty accessing health care.Abstract in Portuguese:
O presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar o perfil de auto-anticorpos em 241 amostras de sangue de 176 índios Kaingang e 65 índios Guarani de três populações das reservas indígenas do Rio das Cobras e Ivaí, no Estado do Paraná, região Sul do Brasil. Foram investigados os anticorpos antimúsculo liso, antimitocôndrias, antinucleares, anticélulas gástricas parietais e antimicrossomas de fígado e rim, por método de imunofluorescência indireta. Os resultados foram comparados com os de um grupo de 100 indivíduos sadios, pertencentes à população geral. Obteve-se uma positividade total de 9% para a população indígena investigada e 4% para os controles, com resultado significativo para prevalência dos anticorpos antimúsculo liso nas populações Kaingang e Guarani do Rio das Cobras (P = 0,03). É provável que as práticas culturais envolvendo escarificações, tatuagens e processamento oral de alimentos, aliadas ao processo de aculturação e maior convívio com populações não indígenas, exponham os índios a doenças infecciosas anteriormente inexistentes entre os mesmos. Possíveis mecanismos de mimetismo molecular a antígenos virais ou bacterianos poderiam explicar a presença desses auto-anticorpos nessas populações indígenas.Abstract in English:
This study investigated the autoantibody profile of 241 blood samples from 176 Kaingang and 65 Guarani Indians from three populations living on the Rio das Cobras and Ivaí reservations, in the state of Paraná, in southern Brazil. The presence of antimitochondrial, antismooth muscle, antinuclear, antiparietal cell, and anti-liver-kidney microsome antibodies was determined by indirect immunofluorescence. These results were compared with samples from 100 healthy Caucasian individuals from the general population of the state. Total positivity was 9% for the indigenous population and 4% for the control population. The prevalence of antismooth muscle antibodies was significantly higher among the Guarani and Kaingang individuals from the Rio das Cobras reservation (P = 0.03). It is likely that the increased exposure that these indigenous Brazilians have to infectious diseases that were previously unknown to them comes from more contact with nonnative populations, growing acculturation, and cultural practices that include scarification and tattooing. The presence of autoantibodies in these Brazilian Indians may be related to mechanisms of molecular mimicry with viral or bacterial antigens.Abstract in Spanish:
Este estudio presenta información sobre los pacientes con sida en Puerto Rico, como su perfil sociodemográfico general, los factores de riesgo, las características de los grupos vulnerables y los elementos del espectro clínico de la enfermedad. Los datos analizados procedían del Programa de Vigilancia del sida en Puerto Rico y de estudios sobre la epidemia de VIH/sida en la isla. De enero de 1981 a febrero de 1999 se habían comunicado a dicho programa 23 089 casos de sida. La epidemia de VIH/ sida ha afectado sobre todo a varones y hembras de 30 a 49 años, aunque también se han descrito casos en otros grupos de edad. La proporción acumulada de pacientes del sexo femenino con sida ha aumentado enormemente, de 11,4% en el período 1981-1986 a 21,6% en el período 1981-1999. En Puerto Rico, el grupo de adictos a drogas por vía parenteral representa la mayoría de los casos de sida (52%), seguido de los heterosexuales (22%) y de los varones homosexuales (17%). Los tres diagnósticos de sida establecidos con mayor frecuencia en la isla son el síndrome consuntivo (30,7%), la candidiasis esofágica, bronquial y pulmonar (29,4%) y la neumonía por Pneumocystis carinii (26,8%). De acuerdo con las estadísticas demográficas de 1994 en Puerto Rico, el sida constituyó la cuarta causa de muerte. La tasa global de mortalidad por sida fue de 42,0 por 100 000 habitantes, siendo mucho más elevada en los hombres (67,8) que en las mujeres (17,4). El sida es la primera causa de muerte en personas de 30 a 39 años de edad. Serán necesarios grandes esfuerzos para comprender mejor la epidemia en Puerto Rico, su biología, su impacto social y familiar y sus costes financieros.Abstract in English:
This study presents information on AIDS patients in Puerto Rico, including their general sociodemographic profile, some risk-related parameters, characteristics of vulnerable groups, and elements of the clinical spectrum of the disease. Data were analyzed from the Puerto Rico AIDS Surveillance Program and available studies about the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Puerto Rico. A total of 23 089 AIDS cases was reported to the Puerto Rico AIDS Surveillance Program from January 1981 through February 1999. The HIV/AIDS epidemic has affected mostly males and females between the ages of 30 and 49, though cases have also been reported for other age groups. The cumulative proportion of persons with AIDS who are women has increased tremendously, from 11.4% for the 1981-1986 period to 21.6% for the entire 1981-1999 period. In Puerto Rico the category of injecting drug users (IDUs) accounts for the majority of the AIDS cases (52%), followed by heterosexual contact (22%), and men who have sex with men (17%). The three main diagnoses for AIDS on the island are wasting syndrome (30.7%); esophageal, bronchial, and lung candidiasis (29.4%); and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (26.8%). According to 1994 vital statistics for Puerto Rico, AIDS was the fourth-leading cause of death. The overall reported AIDS mortality rate was 42.0 per 100 000 persons, with the rate for males, 67.8, much higher than it was for females, 17.4. AIDS is the first cause of death among persons between 30 and 39 years old. Intense efforts are needed to better understand the epidemic in Puerto Rico and its biology, social and family impacts, and financial costs.Abstract in Spanish:
Con anterioridad se ha demostrado la eficacia de las trampas cebadas con cultivos de levaduras (TCL) para capturar Triatoma infestans en experimentos de laboratorio. En el presente estudio se describen los resultados obtenidos con estas trampas para capturar T. sordida, T. brasiliensis, T. pseudomaculata y Panstrongylus megistus, también en experimentos de laboratorio. Todos los experimentos fueron realizados en un recinto experimental abierto de 100 cm por 100 cm, con dos trampas colocadas en sitios opuestos. Una de ellas contenía un cultivo de levaduras, mientras que la otra contenía una solución de sacarosa como control. Se realizaron dos series de experimentos: una con y la otra sin un refugio para los insectos. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron claramente la eficacia de las TCL para capturar tanto T. sordida como P. megistus en el laboratorio. Las TCL capturaron un número significativamente mayor de T. sordida que las trampas de control (t de Student; P = 0,03). Cuando se les proporcionó un refugio a los insectos, las TCL también capturaron un número significativamente mayor de P. megistus que las trampas de control (t de Student; P = 0,006). Ambos tipos de trampas capturaron algunos ejemplares de T. brasiliensis y T. pseudomaculata, aunque el número capturado en una noche con las TCL fue muy inferior al de T. sordida y P. megistus. Estos resultados indican que, en el laboratorio, las TCL pueden capturar un número considerable de T. sordida y P. megistus en una noche. Se analiza la posible utilización de las TCL para detectar y capturar estas dos especies de triatominos.Abstract in English:
The effectiveness of a trap for triatomines baited with yeast cultures has been previously demonstrated for Triatoma infestans in laboratory assays. We report here results from laboratory assays testing yeast traps for Triatoma sordida, Triatoma brasiliensis, Triatoma pseudomaculata, and Panstrongylus megistus. All assays were conducted in an open experimental arena 100 cm X 100 cm, with two traps placed at opposite sides of the arena. One of the traps contained a yeast culture, and the other trap contained a saccharose solution as a control. Two series of experiments were done, one without a refuge for the insects and one with a refuge. The results obtained clearly demonstrated that the yeast-baited traps were effective in the laboratory in capturing both T. sordida and P. megistus. For T. sordida, yeast-baited traps captured significantly more bugs than did the control traps (t test P value = 0.03). For P. megistus, when a refuge was provided during the assay, yeast-baited traps also captured significantly more bugs than did the control traps (t test P value = 0.006). In the experiments with T. brasiliensis and T. pseudomaculata, both traps captured some insects, but the yeast traps captured many fewer bugs than was true with the T. sordida and P. megistus bugs. These results indicate that, in the laboratory, yeast traps can capture considerable numbers of T. sordida and P. megistus in one night. We discuss the potential use of yeast traps for detecting and capturing both triatomine species.Abstract in Spanish:
Este estudio compara la detección de Mycobacterium tuberculosis mediante baciloscopia (tinción de Ziehl-Neelsen), cultivo en medio de Löwenstein-Jensen y reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (RCP) realizada con ADN extraído directamente de distintos tipos de muestras. Se analizaron 252 muestras (114 de esputo, 96 de orina, 15 de LCR y 27 de otros tipos) de 160 pacientes con sospecha de tuberculosis en cualquiera de sus formas que acudieron al Laboratorio de Patología Clínica del Hospital de Especialidades del Centro Médico Nacional de Occidente del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. En todos los casos se realizó tinción de Ziehl-Neelsen, cultivo en medio de Löwenstein-Jensen y amplificación por RCP de un segmento de 285 pares de bases específico del complejo M. tuberculosis. De las 252 muestras, 18 fueron positivas para micobacterias no tuberculosas en el cultivo. De las 234 restantes, 12 (5,1%) fueron positivas en la RCP y el cultivo, 174 (74,4%) negativas en ambas pruebas, 47 (20,1%) positivas en la RCP y negativas en el cultivo y 1 (0,4%) negativa en la RCP y positiva en el cultivo; tomando el cultivo como prueba de referencia, la RCP proporcionó una sensibilidad de 92,3%, una especificidad de 78,7%, un valor predictivo positivo de 20,3% y un valor predictivo negativo de 99,4%. El límite de detección de la RCP en ADN extraído de cultivo fue de 10 fg (equivalente a 4 ó 5 micobacterias). También en comparación con el cultivo, la RCP identificó correctamente a la totalidad de las micobacterias del complejo M. tuberculosis. Tomando como prueba de referencia el cultivo, al analizar únicamente las muestras de esputo, la RCP directa proporcionó una sensibilidad de 90,9%, una especificidad de 89,5%, un valor predictivo positivo de 52,6% y un valor predictivo negativo de 98,7%. La RCP es una técnica sensible y específica para detectar el complejo M. tuberculosis en muestras tanto positivas como negativas en la baciloscopia. Un procedimiento controlado de RCP permite establecer o excluir el diagnóstico de tuberculosis en un tiempo que se reduce de más de tres semanas a tan solo 24 a 48 horas, lo cual resulta particularmente útil cuando es necesario un diagnóstico temprano para establecer el pronóstico del paciente o en casos de transplante de órganos.Abstract in English:
This study compares the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis through bacilloscopy (Ziehl-Neelsen stain), growth in Lowenstein-Jensen medium, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) carried out with DNA taken directly from various types of samples. A total of 252 samples were analyzed (114 sputum, 96 urine, 15 cerebrospinal fluid, and 27 of other types) from 160 patients with any form of suspected tuberculosis who came to the Clinical Pathology Laboratory of the Specialties Hospital of the Western National Medical Center of the Mexican Social Security Institute. In all cases Ziehl-Neelsen stains were done, as were also cultures with Lowenstein-Jensen medium and PCR amplification of a segment of 285 base pairs specific to the M. tuberculosis complex. Of the 252 samples, with the culture, 18 were positive for nontuberculous mycobacteria. Of the 234 others, 12 (5.1%) were positive with the PCR and the culture, 174 (74.4%) negative in both tests, 47 (20.1%) positive with the PCR and negative with the culture, and 1 (0.4%) negative with the PCR and positive with the culture. Using the culture as the reference test, the PCR provided a sensitivity of 92.3%, a specificity of 78.7%, a positive predictive value of 20.3%, and a negative predictive value of 99.4%. The PCR detection limit with DNA taken from culture was 10 fg, equivalent to four or five mycobacteria. Also in comparison with the culture, the PCR correctly identified the totality of the mycobacteria of the M. tuberculosis complex. Taking the culture as the reference test, when analyzing just the sputum samples, the direct PCR provided a sensitivity of 90.9%, a specificity of 89.5%, a positive predictive value of 52.6%, and a negative predictive value of 98.7%. The PCR is a sensitive and specific technique for detecting the M. tuberculosis complex in both positive and negative bacilloscopy samples. A controlled PCR procedure makes it possible to establish or to exclude the diagnosis of tuberculosis in a time that is reduced from more than three weeks to just 24 to 48 hours. This is particularly useful when an early diagnosis is needed to establish a patient's prognosis or in organ transplant cases.Abstract in English:
Medical education is committed to a distant and impersonal model of medical care that does not take into consideration the complexity of the encounter between physician and patient. Some authors believe that the "dehumanizing posture" of physicians is encouraged by the pedagogical practice of dissecting cadavers. In this sense the relationship between student and cadaver would be a model preceding and shaping the relationship between physician and patient. This article describes a study on the impact of anatomy practice on first-semester medical students enrolled in the anatomy course at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Groups of 16 students attended four 1-hour meetings over the semester. Thirty-two groups were assessed over four semesters, with a total of 384 students. The activity was coordinated by medical psychology and anatomy professors, who took notes during the sessions. At the end of each semester the students filled out a questionnaire to help evaluate this teaching activity. In the groups, the most frequent themes were the first encounter with the cadaver, respect for the cadaver, and the presence or absence of humanity in the cadaver. In general the questionnaire showed that the students found the experience to be positive. We believe that the pedagogical activity described here provides an opportunity to reverse the gloomy state of affairs of dehumanized medical care. Group discussions help decrease students' anxiety with the cadaver. This in turn results in a more humane model for the physician-patient relationship and promotes change in the ideology of coldness and distance on the part of the physician. The paradox of medical education--being technical and also having to take into account the complexity of human relationships--can be resolved through activities such as this one.Abstract in English:
This article discusses current issues and debates surrounding the promotion of men's participation in public reproductive health programs in Latin America. There is little disagreement in the Region about the importance of this goal, but opinions differ as to how they should participate. The following topics are discussed in this article: the relationship between men's own reproductive health needs and their role in improving the reproductive health of their female partners; the need to analyze gender inequities and hegemonic masculinity; the relationship between men's and women's sexual and reproductive rights; and the need for separate services for men versus their integration in existing reproductive health services. The article concludes by underlining the importance of health promotion strategies throughout the life cycle in order to improve sustainable changes toward greater equity in reproductive health, within a gender-oriented, ethical and human rights frameworkAbstract in Spanish:
Durante la década de los 80 se produjo un notable deterioro de la infraestructura física y de la operatividad de los hospitales de América Latina como consecuencia de la crisis económica que sufrieron casi todos los países de la Región y de las políticas sanitarias que pusieron el énfasis en la prevención de las enfermedades y en la promoción de la salud, en detrimento de la asistencia hospitalaria. Como reacción a esta situación y con el apoyo de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud, muchos países de América Latina iniciaron en la década de los 90 esfuerzos para implementar la acreditación de los hospitales, con el fin de establecer estándares de calidad para todos los servicios de cuidados agudos de los hospitales generales. Durante la última década, diversos países de América Latina han hecho avances en la puesta en práctica de esos programas de acreditación. Este artículo presenta las lecciones aprendidas como resultado de esas experiencias y expone el caso de Brasil como ejemplo de los pasos más importantes que debe dar un país al planificar y poner en práctica un programa de acreditación de hospitales.